The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1283 Martial Arts Conference

Chapter 1283 Martial Arts Conference ([-])

"That's not what I meant." Ming Yuehuan shook her head, pointed to her body, and said, "It's because the wound on my body hurts too much."

"Pain?" Nanny Luo glanced at Ming Yuehuan, and said, "If I knew it was like this, why did I do it in the first place?"

As soon as these words came out, Ming Yuehuan fell silent.Yes, I knew this earlier, so why did I do it in the first place.

Why was she obsessed with sex in the first place and arrested the wrong person?
It's all right now, after offending the big shots above, Mingyue Villa can't protect her, and neither can the master. Apart from being tortured and suffering, the only thing she can do is die.

But she couldn't bear to let her die like this.She has to persevere and wait for the master to come to rescue her.

Mingyuehuan believes that the Lord will not give up on her, because she is the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa.Her identity is there, and it can facilitate the Lord to do many things.

At this time, Mingyuehuan didn't even know that her lord was already finished.

"Let's go, don't dawdle." Luo Momo said in a cold voice with her gaze back.

Mingyuehuan had no choice but to keep up again.Because her speed was too slow, Nanny Luo cursed and cursed all the way.

Fortunately, the other courtyard is not too big, Mingyuehuan walked for more than half an hour, and finally reached the point of washing clothes.Once at the place, Nanny Luo pointed to a pile of clothes and told Mingyue Huan: "This is your task today, wash it well. Only after washing will you have food."

After speaking, she left directly.

Soon, Ming Yuehuan was the only one left in the laundry room. She looked at the full basin of clothes, and then at the empty bucket beside her.

He took a deep breath, forced back the tears in his eyes, sat aside and rested for a while, and then started to work.

She carried the empty bucket and walked towards the well beside her.

When I came to the well, I threw the bucket down and hit the water with difficulty.Fortunately, she grew up in the countryside, so she still knows how to fetch water.

But even so, because of the injuries on her body, she almost fell into the well.If she hadn't reached out and pulled the rope at the end, she might have died.

This turn of events shocked Mingyuehuan into a cold sweat and sat down by the well.

When Nanny Luo came back, she saw Ming Yuehuan sitting by the well in a daze, thinking she was being lazy, she couldn't help feeling angry, and shouted, "What are you still sitting there for? Let me tell you, You have to finish washing this clothes, even if you wash it until dark or tomorrow, no one will come to help you."

"Mommy, I know." Mingyuehuan heard Luo Nanny's roar, looked at her and said in a low voice.Of course she knew that these were the tasks she had to complete, but she was frightened just now, if she didn't sit down and take a break, she couldn't do anything at all.

"Hmph, since you know what you're still doing sitting there, why don't you hurry up and work?" Nanny Luo snorted coldly, staring at Mingyuehuan.

The higher-ups have explained that this woman can do whatever she wants, as long as no one is killed.

"I'll just work." Ming Yuehuan looked resigned to her fate without temper, but she hated it in her heart.She hated Sima Feng, Shuyan, Nanny Luo, and how they treated her.

She swore secretly in her heart, don't let her turn over, when she turns over, she must make these people look good.Of course, she couldn't deal with the powerful Sima Feng, but she would definitely not let go of slaves like Shuyan and Nanny Luo.

Thinking of this, Ming Yuehuan's body was filled with strength for an instant, and she poured half a bucket of water into the basin, then sat down to wash her clothes.

Nanny Luo looked at it for a while, seeing Ming Yuehuan doing the laundry obediently, and then left again to report to Shuyan.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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