The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1284 Martial Arts Conference

Chapter 1284 Martial Arts Conference ([-])

Shuyan raised his eyebrows in surprise after hearing Luo Nanny's words, "You said she was doing laundry honestly?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"It's nothing." Shuyan waved his hand, but in his heart he didn't quite believe that Mingyuehuan would be so honest.

He had seen how arrogant she was before.It didn't make sense to beat him up, and he changed his temper.It is estimated that she is holding her breath, but she has other plans in her heart.

Thinking about it, Shuyan was still not at ease, and decided to send someone to look at it.

"Master Shu, if there is nothing else, then Nanny will leave first." Nanny Luo looked at Shuyan and said nothing for a long time, planning to leave.

"Go, look at her carefully." Shuyan said, and waved to Nanny Luo, indicating that she could leave.

When Luo Mama left, Shuyan first went to find the guards and asked them to secretly watch Mingyuehuan.Lest she do something unfavorable to adults.

Not to mention Mingyuehuan's side, even if there are guards looking at her, there will be no big waves.

When it came to Jiangcheng, it gradually became lively.Because the martial arts conference is coming, people from various sects on the rivers and lakes have come to Jiangcheng one after another.

As a result, for a while, all the inns in Jiangcheng were full, and the streets were full of people, which made the shop owners all smile.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian have stayed in the small courtyard since they captured the Lord.During the period, they interrogated the Lord once, but did not get any useful news.

I don't know if the Lord is keeping his mouth shut, or if he really doesn't know.

It was the man who led the way. After waking up, he gave Yehuang a piece of news, that is, it was not the Lord who gave them the cup, but a young and enchanting woman.

After getting the news, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian immediately sent people to investigate, but there were no clues.But so far, they only know that there is a woman who is quite beautiful, quite young, and has a good relationship with the Lord, but they don't know where she is or who she is.

However, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian knew that if that woman really existed, if she knew that the Lord and the others were wiped out, she would have come to her.

Therefore, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian specially confessed to Qin Chao and others, asking them to pay more attention to strange women who approached them.

According to the original plan, the martial arts conference was held at Mingyue Villa.Therefore, Ming Feng gave orders early on, and the venue and accommodation had already been arranged.

Anyone with a post that belongs to the martial arts conference can live in Mingyue Villa.

Although, Mingyue Mountain Villa's reputation has been affected to some extent due to the Mingyue Ring incident.But in the eyes of the Jianghu people, the status of Mingyue Villa is still unshakable.

They are all proud to enter the Mingyue Villa for accommodation.

Seeing that there are only five days left until the martial arts conference is held.Many friends from the world and people from various sects have already lived in Mingyue Villa.

Ming Feng was worried that Mrs. Ming would do something bad, so he sent him away early.As for Ming Zhao, his health has gradually improved and he can walk on the ground.

It's just that his body is still very weak, and he still didn't intervene in things like receiving guests, but left it to the person in charge to do it.

In order to thank Yehuang, Ming Feng specially sent a post to Yehuang, inviting her to visit Mingyue Villa.

After receiving the post, Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian at the side, and asked with a smile: "Yuntian, this post Ming Feng sent us alone, do you think we should use this post or the original one?" Son go?"

(End of this chapter)

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