The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1285 Martial Arts Conference

Chapter 1285 Martial Arts Conference ([-])

Originally, before receiving Ming Feng's post, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian also each received a post from the martial arts conference.Of course, those two people didn't invite them personally, but Guimen and Yandian.

These two sects are the forces under Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian respectively, and they act both righteously and evilly, and people in Jianghu are quite afraid of them.Especially the ghost gate, because of the existence of a ghost doctor pavilion, people in the world dare not take it lightly.

After all, it is normal for people to eat whole grains and get sick.As a Jianghu person, he lived a life of blood and blood. He would not offend a doctor if he offended anyone.Maybe one day, they will ask the doctor for help.

"Our identities should not be revealed, so let's take this one." Shangguan Yuntian pointed to the post Ming Feng sent in Yehuang's hand, and said with a smile.

Although this is in Donghua Kingdom, not many people know their identities.But what if someone found out, it would not be a good thing for them.

A person in the court, but has a status in the Jianghu, which will arouse public indignation and resistance from all the people in the Jianghu.

Before, before Ming Feng sent the post, he was thinking about Yi Rong.Now, since Ming Feng sent a post, it happened to solve their problem.

With Ming Feng's post, and going there as benefactors of Mingyue Villa, it doesn't matter even if someone recognizes them as Dazhao's prince and princess.It won't affect them much, so it's good for them, and it's also good for the people in Jianghu.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Ye Huang put away the post.Since Ming Feng was going to post it, the other two posts had to be sent outside.

Fortunately, Master Murong Jue happened to be here too, so I just let Master go when the time comes.

Yehuang thought so, and prepared to have someone send the post to Murong Jue.

At this moment, Dong came in, greeted the two of them and said, "Ma'am, the four pavilion masters are here."

"What did you say?" Yehuang was taken aback when she heard the words, and asked again.Fenghuaxueyue is the owner of the fourth pavilion of the ghost gate, what are they doing here if they are not sitting in the headquarters of the ghost gate at this time?Could it be that they are also here for the martial arts conference?

Moreover, these four people didn't even send her a letter, and just ran here. Are they planning to give her a surprise, or are they planning to give her a beating?

"The Four Great Pavilion Masters are here." Dong repeated.She was shocked when she first received the news.No, I asked someone to confirm it before I dared to report it to Yehuang.

"Understood." Yehuang waved towards Dong, signaling her to back down.

Then, she looked at Shangguan Yuntian and said: "It seems that I don't have to let Master go instead of me, those four bastards are here."

"Are you going to see them?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang and asked the four of them in such a friendly tone, he couldn't help but ask sourly.

Yehuang didn't hear that Shangguan Yuntian was jealous, and without thinking about it, she said directly: "Of course!"

Speaking of which, she hadn't seen the four of them for a long time, and now that they're here, they happened to meet together.

"Then I'll go with you."

He wanted to see what kind of person Yehuang could bestow important tasks on.He has heard that these four people are all handsome and extraordinary young masters.

He had seen Yeyue before, and he was indeed an excellent young man, not much worse than those princes of aristocratic families.

It was precisely because he had seen Yeyue that he was even more curious about the other three people, wondering what kind of people they were?

(End of this chapter)

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