The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1291 Ming Zhao’s Assassination

Chapter 1291 Ming Zhao's Assassination ([-])

When Yehuang woke up, the food had already been delivered, and it was still hot, just right for eating.

The food was quite rich and tasted pretty good, Ye Huang ate a lot.

After eating, the two of them digested food in the yard.Walking, walking, I saw a black shadow flashing away, going to the yard next to me.

Next to it is the courtyard where Ming Zhao lives.

Yehuang was startled, and said to Shangguan Yuntian, "Let's go and have a look."

Mingzhao was someone she managed to save, and she absolutely couldn't let someone kill him so easily.

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, and then he and Yehuang climbed up the wall and headed for the courtyard next door.

In the next yard, Ming Zhao did not take a rest immediately after eating according to Ye Huang's instructions, but slowly moved his arms and legs.

He had been lying down for too long, and his hands and legs were a little stiff.So, be more active.

While walking, a black figure stood in front of him, which surprised him, and asked, "Who is it?"

"The person who wants to kill you." A female voice rang in Ming Zhao's ear, and then Ming Zhao saw a cold light flashing in front of him, and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

His movements were inflexible and his body was still weak.And the person who assassinated him was obviously a master.Therefore, he could only watch helplessly as the long sword gleaming with cold light pierced his chest, and closed his eyes in resignation.

However, he closed his eyes and waited for a while, but he didn't feel any pain.He opened his eyes involuntarily, only to find that the assassin had disappeared, and Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang were walking towards him.

"Why are you here?" Seeing Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, Ming Zhao was a little surprised.It never occurred to them that they would come here at this time.

"Are you okay?" Ye Huang looked at Ming Zhao and asked with concern.If they were one step slower just now, Ming Zhao would probably have been killed by the assassin's sword.

"It's fine, thank you." Ming Zhao smiled and shook his head, thanking Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian.No wonder the two came here at this time, it turned out that they had discovered the assassin.

"It's good that it's fine!" Seeing that Ming Zhao was fine, Yehuang felt relieved.

Afterwards, she glanced around the courtyard and found that there were no guards. She frowned and said, "You are a patient now. It would be better to arrange a few guards in this courtyard."

Hearing Ye Huang's reminder, Ming Zhao's expression couldn't help but change.Because Ming Feng felt guilty towards him, he arranged a lot of guards in the courtyard.But when the assassin came just now, no one noticed.

From this point of view, something may have happened to those guards.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Ming Zhao's sudden change of expression, Yehuang couldn't help asking one more question.

"Master Yemen, something may have happened to the guards in my yard." Ming Zhao was going to look for those guards while talking.

Ye Huang looked at it, exchanged glances with Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "Find a place to sit and rest for a while, and I'll send someone to look at it for you."

"Thank you!" Ming Zhao didn't try to be brave, and after thanking the two of them, he found a place and sat down.

Shangguan Yuntian asked his men to go down to check, and sure enough, they found the bodies of guards in several places.They may be sitting or standing, but they have been dead for a long time.

Hearing this result, Ming Zhao's face turned ugly.If it wasn't for Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian living next door to him today, if they didn't just come over, he would have become a corpse.

Thinking of this, Ming Zhao's face became even more ugly, and his whole body was surrounded by anger and hostility.

Fortunately, he calmed down soon, and asked, "How did they die?"

 The fourth watch is over!Recommend Ranran's new book "Ace Military Marriage: The Chief, let us pamper you wantonly! "


(End of this chapter)

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