The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1292 Ming Zhao’s Assassination

Chapter 1292 Ming Zhao's Assassination ([-])

"To death by poison." Qin Chao said indifferently, just now they checked the bodies of those guards, all of them were poisoned.

"What?" Ming Zhao was startled, he thought he was killed, but he didn't think it was poisoned.Who, who is going to kill him?
"Poisoned?" Yehuang was also very surprised, and said to Qin Chao: "Take me to see."

Yehuang wanted to know what kind of poison the other party had planted, and wanted to use this to guess the other party's identity.Although she already had a preliminary guess in her heart, she still wanted to confirm it again.

"Yes!" Qin Chao replied, and led Ye Huang towards the body of the nearest guard.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at Mingzhao a bit, and followed Yehuang.

Yehuang soon saw the corpse and went forward to check it.After some investigation, a clear look appeared in her eyes.

"Huang'er, have you found it?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at it and asked.

"Well, it's Nan Ren's Chi Lian Snake Venom."

Chi Lian is a very poisonous snake that lives in southern Xinjiang.

Obedient to these words, Shangguan Yuntian was slightly taken aback, then looked at Ye Huang and said, "You mean, the other party is probably the one who can poison you."

"That's right, so we have to be careful. The other party is likely to sneak into Mingyue Villa."

Shangguan Yuntian nodded.It seems that they need someone to remind Ming Feng.I thought that the other party would directly target him and Yehuang.Now it seems that the opponent's target is Mingzhao, or Mingyue Villa.

Confirming his guess, Yehuang asked Qin Chao and others to dispose of the corpse.Then he returned to Mingzhao's side and said to him: "Mingzhao, you have to be more careful, that person didn't succeed this time, there should be a second time."

"I know, I will tell my father and ask him to step up his guard. I am very grateful to you two today. Mingzhao is grateful for the life-saving grace. In the future, where Mingzhao is useful, I will go through fire and water, and I will not hesitate."

Ming Zhao thanked the two of them, and after seeing them off, he sent someone to invite Ming Feng over and told him the matter.

Ming Feng was shocked when he heard that Zhuang Zhong had joined the assassin.While ordering a thorough investigation, he asked Mingzhao if he was okay.

Although his eyes had already told him that Ming Zhao was fine, he still couldn't help asking.

"I'm fine, thanks to Yemen Master and the others. Speaking of which, they saved my life twice. We have to thank them very much."

"Zhaoer, don't worry, as a father, I will definitely thank the two of you."

Ming Feng and Ming Zhao talked for a while, and after arranging the guards, they went to the courtyard next door to thank Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian in person.

Early the next morning, before Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian woke up, Qin Chao and the others received a thank you gift from Ming Feng, three 500-year-old ginsengs, and a 300-year-old Ganoderma lucidum.

Looking at these things, Yehuang was very satisfied.Ming Feng's gift can be regarded as sent to her heart.

"Put it away." Yehuang told Dong to put her things away.

As for the incident of assassins entering Mingyue Villa, even though Ming Feng tried his best to suppress it, it spread out for some reason. This made all the Jiang Hu friends who lived in the villa filled with righteous indignation, and they all expressed their desire to help Ming Feng catch it. murderer.

Ming Feng appreciated everyone's kindness, but he did not agree with everyone's proposal.After all, he doesn't know where the murderer is hiding now, so how can he catch him?

It's just that he didn't agree, but it didn't hinder everyone's enthusiasm.They spontaneously patrolled around the Mingyue Villa, and they would always ask anyone suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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