The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1293 Ming Zhao’s Assassination

Chapter 1293 Ming Zhao's Assassination ([-])

It's just that they were looking for the murderer with such great fanfare, but the real murderer secretly sneered.She is not a fool, how could those fools find out.

At this time, the murderer who assassinated Ming Zhao last night was enjoying himself in the courtyard where Mrs. Ming lived.

In order to sneak into the villa, she directly killed one of Mrs. Ming's maids, disguised herself as her, and then wandered around the villa swaggeringly.

If Mrs. Ming was here, the management of her yard might be stricter.Now that she's not here, she's taken away with her close-fitting maids and mothers, only some second-class and third-class rough envoys are left, so naturally no one cares about her.

This happened to be convenient for the assassin to act.

Last night, she could have succeeded, but when she was about to kill Ming Zhao, two people broke in suddenly and sealed her killing move with a silver needle.

It could be seen that the two were difficult to deal with, so she had no choice but to run away first.

Anyway, she lives in Mingyue Villa now, and she has a lot of opportunities to kill Ming Zhao and Ming Feng, so she is not in a hurry.

The only thing that made her anxious was that there was no news from the Lord, and she didn't know what was going on.Even the contact message she sent was lost.

The assassin dressed as a maid was lying on the tree, but his eyes fell on the back hill of Mingyue Villa. There used to be her and his home there, but now the building is empty, and there is no trace of clues to be found.

Thinking of this, the assassin became a little annoyed, she wanted to find her man as soon as possible.

The assassin was not at ease, but Ming Zhao and Ming Feng were anxious and worried.A day has passed, but the assassin has no news. This kind of unknown makes them uneasy.

The unknown means danger.

Yesterday, the assassin could assassinate Ming Zhao once, and today he can assassinate him a second time, or even a third time.Of course, the other party may also change the target and assassinate other people.

In case the target of the other party's assassination is the gang in this martial arts conference, or some important person, then Mingyue Villa will definitely be overwhelmed and walk around.

"Villa Master, what should we do now?" The guard in charge of looking for the assassin looked at Ming Feng and asked.

"What to do, keep looking, and find someone for me."


The guards went out, but Ming Feng couldn't sit still.He turned around and went to Mingzhao's courtyard, wanting to discuss with him, see if there is another way to lure that assassin out.

Arriving at Ming Zhao's courtyard, Ming Feng expressed his thoughts.But Mingzhao shook his head directly when he heard it, and said, "Father, the other party is probably monitoring our every move now, and this method will not work at all. At that time, maybe the other party will still make plans. If that is the case If so, it will be troublesome.”

"But no one has found it until now, so what do you say?"

"Wait!" Ming Zhao said calmly, he felt that what Ye Huang said was right, if the other party failed to succeed once, there would definitely be a second time.And all he has to do is wait, wait for the opponent to come for the second time, and then take the opportunity to take down the opponent.

Although that approach is a bit risky and passive, but now there seems to be no better way than this.

It's just that Ming Zhao didn't intend to tell Ming Feng this idea. Now that there are so many things in Zhuangzhong, he doesn't want to make Ming Feng worry anymore.

"Okay, be careful yourself." Ming Feng sighed, looking at Ming Zhao not knowing what to say.

After sitting for a while, Ming Feng left.

After he left, Ye Huang sent Dong to bring Ming Zhao some self-defense medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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