The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1294 Ming Zhao’s Assassination

Chapter 1294 Ming Zhao's Assassination ([-])

"Thank you, the head of your family, for me." Ming Zhao took the things and asked Dong Dai to thank Ye Huang.

"The servant will bring the words." After Dong finished speaking, he left directly and went back to the next door to report.

Ming Zhao took the pill that Dong sent over, looked at the usage and dosage written on the bottle, and felt warm in his heart.In this life, the kindness he owed to Yehuang would never end no matter what.

Night fell quickly, and there was still no news from the assassin.But the entire Mingyue Villa fell into a tense atmosphere, with guards patrolling back and forth.Even some gangsters who have nothing to do are walking around and shopping from time to time.

In this way, it would not be so convenient for the assassin to go out.

However, even so, it was not difficult for the assassin.She saw that the security in the villa had been strengthened, especially in Mingzhao's courtyard, the number of guards was more than twice as many as yesterday.

After estimating the possibility of his own success, the assassin resolutely gave up the big fish Mingzhao and replaced it with a bigger one.

That is Ming Feng.

Ming Feng always thought that the assassins would target Ming Zhao and those famous and important figures in the world tonight.Therefore, the defense in the villa focused on those people's surroundings.As for himself, there were not many people around him.

For this reason, when the assassin appeared in front of him, he couldn't react for a while.

"Who are you?" Ming Feng looked at the masked assassin in front of him and asked coldly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to ask you, where is the moon ring?" the assassin put the sword on Ming Feng's neck and asked.

In the afternoon, after thinking about it, she felt that Mingyuehuan should know where the Lord had gone.After all, this Mingyue Villa used to be considered the world of Mingyuehuan.

But she searched around the villa, but couldn't find Mingyuehuan.After asking the servants in the villa, I found out that Mingyuehuan was not in the villa at all.As for where it went, no one knows.

"Why should my owner tell you?" Ming Feng replied with a cold face.He already knew that the assassin was a woman, and he thought it would be easier to find him after he escaped.

"Why?" The assassin sneered, and the tip of his sword moved forward a little.Ming Feng felt that his neck was already bleeding, and his expression changed involuntarily.

Seeing him like this, the assassin laughed even more, and said, "Why, do you think I won't kill you?"

Ming Feng's eyes flickered, he really thought that the other party only wanted to know where Ming Yuehuan was, and didn't intend to kill him.But listening to the other party's tone now, it's not as simple as just inquiring about Mingyuehuan.

In this case, he had to think of a way to get out.

"What exactly do you want to do?" Ming Feng calmed down and asked.Now he can only delay the time as much as possible, hoping that one or two friends from the rivers and lakes will break in, otherwise he really has only a dead end.

There were not many guards around him, but now they all died under the hands of this woman.

"It seems that what this girl does has nothing to do with you, you just need to tell me where the bright moon ring is. Maybe I can reward you with a whole corpse, otherwise..."

The threatening words behind were not finished, but it was definitely not a good thing.

"I don't know." Ming Feng didn't intend to tell the other party where Mingyuehuan was, after all, they had already messed with someone they shouldn't have.In case something happens to that prime minister again because of the bright moon ring, the people in the court will definitely let the entire Mingyue Villa be buried with him.

Ming Feng didn't want the good Mingyue Villa to be destroyed in his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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