The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1296 Collective Poisoning

Chapter 1296 Collective Poisoning ([-])

"Don't worry, I'll take a look first." Ye Huang went forward to check Ming Feng's situation while talking.

Ming Feng's situation was indeed dangerous, and the blood on his body could not be stopped, so it was reasonable for the doctor to ask Ming Zhao to prepare for the funeral.

"Ma'am, how is it?" Ming Zhao asked anxiously.If Yehuang said that there was no way to save, then Ming Feng really couldn't be saved.

Of course, he didn't want Ming Feng to die.Although he somewhat resented Ming Feng, the other party was his father after all.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Ye Huang comforted Ming Zhao, and then said to the doctor, "Please let me go."

The doctor glanced at Ye Huang, opened his mouth to say something, and finally stepped aside.

"Dong, go and get my medicine box." Ye Huang ordered, and stepped forward to give Ming Feng an injection.

Dong received Yehuang's order, carried his lightness kung fu back to the courtyard where they lived, and then rushed over with the medicine.

At this time, Ye Huang had just finished the injection and stopped the bleeding.

"Please everyone go out first, so that the doctor can save people with peace of mind." Ming Feng saw that there were too many people around the room, and started to chase them away.

Fortunately, everyone knew that being around here was of no benefit to Ming Feng, except for the doctor he invited earlier, Shangguan Yuntian, Ming Zhao, and Dong, everyone else left the room and waited outside.

As for the doctor, the reason why he didn't want to leave was because he wanted to see how Yehuang saved people.

Yehuang also ignored the doctor, but opened the medicine box and took out the needle and thread for suturing the wound.The reason why Ming Feng kept bleeding was because the wound was too big.

Although she had just sealed the acupuncture point with a silver needle and temporarily stopped the bleeding, it was not for a long time, and it still needed to be stitched up.

Yehuang was very fast, holding a needle and thread to quickly sew up Ming Feng's wound.

She first stitched up the neck that was bleeding the most, and then stitched up the other wounds on his body one by one.The doctor standing by the side saw Ye Huang stitching up the wound with a needle like sewing clothes, he had been stunned for a long time, and couldn't recover for a long time.

It wasn't until Yehuang asked Dong to put away the things that the doctor chased Yehuang with a look of surprise and asked, "Madam, how did you come up with the idea to sew up the wound?"

If he knew this way, he wouldn't have said that before.

"Master taught it." After Ye Huang replied lightly, she turned her head to look at Ming Zhao and confessed: "Send someone to take good care of Master Ming, and I will come to remove the stitches in seven days."

"Thank you, madam." Ming Zhao thanked him, and after taking care of Ming Feng according to the arrangement, he and Ye Huang went out of the room together.

Outside, those Jianghu friends were still waiting, watching them come out, and immediately asked: "How is it, the bleeding of the Ming villa has stopped."

"Don't worry, my father is fine. Thank you for your concern, it's getting late, let's all go back and rest." Ming Zhao thanked everyone, and then went back with Yehuang and the others.

Walking on the road, Ming Zhao asked Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, "Master Yemen, Mr. Shangguan, where do you think the assassin is hiding?"

Yesterday he searched for a whole day but couldn't find anyone, and he came out to assassinate again tonight, obviously that person should be in Mingyue Villa.

But Mingyue Villa is so big, how can we find out the other party as soon as possible?
Ye Huang thought for a while and said, "The other party is a woman, and she is likely to hide among the women and maids in the villa. You can ask someone to check and see who is more abnormal among them."

 Thank you for waiting for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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