The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1297 Collective Poisoning

Chapter 1297 Collective Poisoning ([-])

"Understood, thank you for the reminder, Sect Master." Ming Zhao thanked Ye Huang, and went to check it out overnight.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian returned to the courtyard, but they were not sleepy. Thinking of the elusive assassin, they couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Of course, the two are not afraid of the assassin, they are afraid that the other party will attack others like today.It seems that it is still necessary to find the assassin as soon as possible.

"Yuntian, let Qin Chao and the others help Mingzhao to find that woman as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome to worry about it all day." Yehuang lay on the bed and said to Shangguan Yuntian.

"Okay, I will ask Qin Chao and the others to help Ming Zhao and find the murderer as soon as possible." Shangguan Yuntian nodded and agreed.

He didn't want this kind of thing to happen during the martial arts conference, and that woman was probably related to the Lord, and she was of some use to them.

Finding out the other party is also beneficial and harmless to them.

What Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian didn't expect was that something happened in the villa before Qin Chao and the others took action.

That is the servants in the villa, Quanxiu was poisoned.

This news made Yehuang very angry, and hurried to the scene, and saw all the servants of Mingyue Villa gathered together, holding their bellies all the time.

"Ouch, it hurts to death."

"My stomach hurts."

"Master, please save us."

Ming Zhao stood in the yard, looking at the servants lying in the yard, his expression was extremely ugly.Ming Feng hadn't woken up yet, and now the servants had another accident, he was really pissed off.

It wasn't until Yehuang and the others came that Mingzhao's complexion improved a bit, and then, as if seeing a savior, he walked up to Yehuang, bowed deeply to her, and said, "Master Yemen, I'm in trouble again. is you."

"It doesn't matter, I'll see what kind of poison among them first."

Yehuang waved her hand, walked up to a poisoned maid, and paused to feel her pulse.

After checking the pulse, Yehuang basically knew what kind of poison the other party had.Fortunately, she happened to have the antidote for this kind of poison, so she didn't need to make it again.

"Dong, take out the antidote from the medicine box." Yehuang ordered, Dong opened the medicine box, found the antidote and took it out.

"The antidote is one pill per person, share it with them."

Dong took the order and distributed the antidote to the people in the yard.

At this moment, Ye Huang turned around and asked Ming Zhao, "Have you found out why they were poisoned?"

"I found out, it's a water problem."

"Water, is it well water?" Ye Huang's face became serious.


"Take me to see."

Mingzhao took Yehuang and others to the well, and asked someone to fetch some water. Yehuang checked it with a silver needle, and it was indeed a water problem.

It's just that the water in the whole well is poisonous, and her antidote is not enough, so she had to ask someone to go to the medicine garden in the back mountain to pick some back, and make an antidote now.

Fortunately, there are not many wells in Mingyue Villa, only five.But they were all poisoned.The only fortunate thing is that the guests living in this villa have not been poisoned.

Because the guests got up later than the servants in the villa, so they escaped a catastrophe.

Making the antidote is a big project. It took Ye Huang a whole morning to make the antidote for the five wells.

Since the well water in the villa cannot be used, the water used in the morning and noon is picked from outside the villa.

After finishing the antidote, Yehuang was very tired, which made Shangguan Yuntian feel distressed. While secretly remembering Ming Zhao, he was also annoyed at the assassin.

Therefore, he directly ordered Qin Chao and the others to find that assassin within a day.

(End of this chapter)

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