The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1301 Interrogation overnight

Chapter 1301 Interrogation overnight ([-])

Qin Chao looked a little headache, and when he was about to torture the assassin, he saw his master coming.

"Master, Madam, Young Master Ming, why are you here?" Qin Chao saw the three coming, stood up and asked.

"Come and see, did she speak?" Ye Huang asked with a smile.

"No, this subordinate is planning to torture her." Qin Chao replied.

"Let me ask."


Qin Chao gave up his position and asked Yehuang to ask the female assassin.

"What's your name?" Ye Huang asked the first question, but the female assassin gave her a cold look, and then closed her eyes.

Yehuang looked at it, but she was not angry, and then asked the second question: "Do you know the Lord?"

As soon as the words came out, the woman's face changed instantly, she opened her eyes suddenly, looked at Yehuang and asked coldly: "How do you know the Lord?"

"It's very simple, because he is in my hands."

"What? You caught him?" The assassin's gaze became extremely fierce when he heard that the Lord was in Ye Huang's hands.

"So what?"

"What did you do to him?"

"Do you want to know? Do you want to see him? If you want to, you can answer my question obediently. Otherwise, I can't promise to do something to the Lord. For example, imitate you, put some poison on him, or tortured him to death."

These words completely broke the calmness of the assassin, she became crazy, and said sharply: "No, you can't do this to him."

"How I treat him depends on how you cooperate." Yehuang said lightly, facing the assassin's crazy and fierce gaze, neither dodging nor avoiding.

The assassin looked at Yehuang quietly for a while, finally nodded, and said, "Okay, let me tell you, you remember what you said. If you dare to lie to me, if something happens to him, even if you chase him to the ends of the earth, I won't let you go either."

"It also depends on whether what you say is valuable." Ye Huang added.

"You?" The female assassin was irritated by Yehuang, she just said clearly that as long as she speaks, as long as she cooperates, she will not do anything to the Lord.But now he told her whether her words were worthwhile, it really pissed her off.

"Speak." Yehuang ignored the ugly face of the female assassin, and asked, "Who are you?"


"Where are you from?" Yehuang asked another question. They guessed that the other party was from Southern Xinjiang.Unexpectedly, Ana's answer surprised her a little.

I only heard her say: "Xijiang."

"Xijiang?" Hearing these two words, Shangguan Yuntian was also very surprised, and asked, "Why are you from Xijiang?"

You know, Xijiang is the frontier of Xishui Kingdom, how could it come to Donghua?

"Believe it or not." Ana couldn't help being a little annoyed when she saw that Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang didn't believe her words.

"Your identity?" Yehuang asked again.

"Don't you guys not believe me? What do you still ask me for?" Ana seemed unwilling to cooperate.

Yehuang glanced at Ana lightly, and only said two words: "My lord!"

As soon as these two words came out, Ana's face turned ugly, she gave Yehuang a fierce look, and said, "The saint of the Miao nationality in Xijiang."

"Why did you come to Donghua?"

"What is your purpose?"

Yehuang asked a lot of questions, Ana answered them all, she seemed to know more than the lord.Of course, Yehuang knew that it wasn't that Ana knew more than the lord, but that the lord had concealed them and didn't want to say it.

It seems that after they go back, they have to interrogate the Lord again.

(End of this chapter)

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