The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1302 Interrogation overnight

Chapter 1302 Interrogation Overnight ([-])

After asking all the questions they wanted to ask, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian told Qin Chao to watch Ana carefully, and then left to discuss matters.

Ming Zhao also went back to his yard. He already knew the reasons why Ana targeted Mingyue Villa.

Now, Ana knew that the lord was at Yehuang's place, and was arrested again. The safety hazard of Mingyue Villa was finally lifted, and he could sleep well.

It's just that Ming Feng was a little unlucky, because of a misunderstanding, he suffered an unreasonable disaster and was seriously injured in bed.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian returned to the room, but they didn't feel sleepy at all.The information provided by Ana tonight is too much.

Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang had to pay attention to the Xishui Kingdom being involved.

"Yuntian, do you want to send a copy of this news to Sima Feng?" Ye Huang looked at Shangguan Yuntian and asked.

"He probably already knows." Shangguan Yuntian thought of Sima Feng's reminder when they said they were coming to the martial arts conference, the emperor of Donghua Kingdom should have known about it long ago, otherwise Sima Feng would not have specifically reminded them.

"No way?" Yehuang was a little surprised, this Sima Feng actually knew about it a long time ago?Then why didn't he move at all, and for Mingyuehuan, he only heard that he was torturing her.

"However, whether he knew it in advance or not, let's do our part."


When Sima Feng received the news from Shangguan Yuntian, he was handling official business in the study.Knowing that he was in Jiangcheng and what had happened to him, the emperor specially granted him a two-month vacation and gave him a secret decree to handle the Mingyue Villa case with full authority.

For this reason, he was about to send someone into Mingyue Villa to collect evidence, but he received a message from Shangguan Yuntian.

After reading the news, Sima Feng's complexion was very bad, and he immediately ordered Ming Yuehuan to be found, and planned to interrogate himself.

Let's explain that Yuehuan, in the prefect's other courtyard, has long been tortured to the point of being out of shape.If it wasn't for a belief in her heart supporting her, she might have fallen down long ago.

Mingyuehuan, who was washing clothes, rubbed the clothes feebly.Seeing Nanny Luo approaching, he couldn't help but stop what he was doing, and shouted, "Mommy Luo."

"You, stop what you are doing, the adults are looking for you."

"My lord is looking for me?" Ming Yuehuan was taken aback when she heard this, but didn't react for a long time.If it is said that at the beginning, she still wanted to meet Sima Feng, and then took the opportunity to seduce him and let him let her go.

But after she couldn't go anywhere except this laundry room these days, she stopped thinking about it.But he didn't want the other party to want to see her when she had rested her mind.

In this way, is it that her days of suffering are coming to an end?

Thinking of this, Ming Yuehuan happily responded, then washed her hands with clean water, and followed Nanny Luo to see Sima Feng.

When walking halfway, Ming Yuehuan suddenly remembered that the clothes on her body had been worn for several days, so she said to Nanny Luo: "Mommy Luo, can I go to see the Lord like this? Do you want to change clothes?"

Hearing what Ming Yuehuan said, Nanny Luo stopped in her tracks, looked at her, and said contemptuously, "Why, do you want me to be punished if you want to change clothes?"

"What does Mammy mean by that?" Ming Yuehuan looked at Nanny Luo with a puzzled expression. She just wanted to change clothes to meet people. What does this have to do with whether Nanny Luo is punished or not?
Moreover, if she didn't dress up a little more beautifully, how could that grown-up look at her?So as to achieve her goal?

(End of this chapter)

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