The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1303 Interrogation overnight

Chapter 1303 Interrogation Overnight ([-])

"What do you mean?" Nanny Luo sneered, and said, "The people above let me torture you, but you want them to see your glamorous appearance. I want to ask you what is your intention?"

"Nurse, what? I don't mean anything else." Ming Yuehuan turned pale when she heard this, and immediately defended herself.

"It's best like this. If you let me know that you are playing tricks, don't blame Mammy for being rude to you." Nanny Luo warned Ming Yuehuan, and walked again.

Ming Yuehuan looked at Nanny Luo's back, a flash of hatred flashed in her eyes.

The two walked for a long time before arriving at the place where Sima Feng lived.Shuyan was already waiting outside the yard, seeing Mingyue Huan coming in, frowned slightly when she saw her in a mess.

"I've seen Mr. Shu." Mother Luo came to Shuyan, blessed her body, and said after seeing the gift, "Master, someone brought it here, I don't know whether to go in now or wait a while? "

"I've met you, Young Master." Ming Yuehuan saw Shu Yan looking towards her, and immediately blessed him.

Shuyan glanced at Mingyuehuan coldly and said, "Come in."

Nanny Luo was about to go in with Mingyuehuan, when she heard Shuyan say: "Mommy wait outside first."

"It's the young master." Nanny Luo replied and stopped in her tracks.

Ming Yuehuan watched Luo Nanny being left outside, her eyes flickered, and then followed Shuyan into the room.

In the room, Sima Feng was sitting on a chair with a calm face and deep eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking.Until Shuyan walked in with Mingyue Huan and said, "My lord, I brought it here."

Only then did Sima Feng come back to his senses, and looked at Mingyuehuan behind Shuyan.

When he saw that Ming Yuehuan was in a mess and no longer had the pride that belonged to the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa, he nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, Ming Yuehuan also saw Sima Feng, and when she was sure that she was the man he had snatched into the villa but was unwilling to submit to her, his mood was extremely complicated.

She stared blankly at Sima Feng, not knowing how to react.If she had known that the other party was so powerful, wouldn't she have done such a thing?

When Mingyuehuan was in a daze, Shuyan's cold voice rang in her ears, "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you kneel down to the lord?"

After being yelled at by Shuyan, Ming Yuehuan came to her senses, and then knelt down in front of Sima Feng.

"Mingyuehuan, Miss Ming?" Sima Feng said coldly, "You didn't expect that, did you?"

"My lord." Ming Yuehuan looked up at Sima Feng, then quickly lowered her head.

Sima Feng's voice came from his ears again, "Mingyuehuan, how does it feel to be tortured? Isn't it good?"

After a pause, he said again: "I remember, aren't you very proud? Don't you like to laugh? Why don't you laugh anymore? Didn't you say that you are the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa, and no one can do anything to you? Now , do you particularly regret it?"

"My lord, my lord, the moon ring is wrong, the moon ring is wrong, please, for the sake of Yue Huan's youth and ignorance, please forgive Yue Huan this time?"

"As long as my lord spares Yue Huan this time, what can my lord tell Yue Huan to do?" Ming Yuehuan said while showing a shy look, and kept winking at Sima Feng.

What he didn't know was that Sima Feng was about to throw up seeing her like this.

And the book words on the side were not much better, his face darkened, he looked at Ming Yuehuan and scolded: "Be honest."

 The fourth watch is over!Ranran's new book "Ace Military Marriage: Chief, let's pamper you wantonly! "

(End of this chapter)

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