The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1304 Interrogation overnight

Chapter 1304 Overnight Interrogation ([-])

However, Ming Yuehuan did not listen to the words of the book, but looked at Sima Feng with eyes full of glances, and said: "My lord, what Yuehuan said is true. As long as my lord spares Yuehuan this time, Yuehuan will definitely It is comfortable to serve adults."

Before Sima Feng could open his mouth, Shuyan beside him couldn't help but pooh, saying: "You also want to serve your lord, so stop dreaming. Be honest, or you will feel better."

"My lord!" Mingyue Huanjiao called out, looking at Sima Feng with an aggrieved look.

Sima Feng looked at Mingyuehuan coldly, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, "Young and ignorant? Are you young and ignorant to rob civilian men? Will you be young and ignorant to set up torture halls?"

"My lord, me?"

"Mingyuehuan, my patience is limited. It's best to answer what I ask, and stop thinking about those petty thoughts, otherwise I don't mind letting you have another taste of lynching."

"My lord, if you ask, I will know everything and say everything." Ming Yuehuan replied quickly with a smile on his face.

"Who is your master?"

The first question made Ming Yuehuan stunned, she never thought that Sima Feng would ask her such a question.She thought Sima Feng wanted to know about Mingyue Villa, otherwise she wouldn't have answered so readily.

After a while, she pretended not to understand, and said, "What did you say, my lord?"

"It seems that you are toasting and don't eat fine wine." Sima Feng saw that Ming Yuehuan did it deliberately, his face darkened, and he ordered Shuyan beside him: "Shuyan, take her down and torture her, and interrogate her well."

"Yes!" Shuyan replied, turned around and shouted, "Come on!"

After the sound fell, two guards came in and shouted respectfully: "My lord, Mr. Shu."

"Take this woman to the torture chamber."

The study gave an order, and the guards stepped forward to set up Mingyue Huan.

The moment the guards came in, Ming Yuehuan became afraid again, and immediately lowered her head and kowtowed at Sima Feng, saying: "My lord, my lord, Yue Huan should not go to the torture chamber, please forgive me. I said, I said, I Say anything."

Sima Feng looked at Ming Yuehuan coldly, watching her kowtow desperately, but said nothing.On the other hand, Shuyan was worried that she would annoy the master, so he waved to the two guards and motioned to take her away.

The guards set up the Mingyue ring, and Mingyue ring begged for mercy loudly again: "My lord, my lord, please forgive me. I said, I said, I am the lord's subordinate, and I was ordered to return to Mingyue Villa as the young lady of Mingyue Villa, so They work. By the way, behind Mingyue Villa, there is their base camp, the underground of Mingyue Villa, and their secret room."

Mingyue Huan almost finished speaking a long series of words in one breath.

At this moment, the guard who was carrying her stopped, turned to look at Sima Feng, and waited for his instructions.

Sima Feng glanced at Ming Yuehuan lightly, and made a gesture.The guard watched, then lifted Mingyue Huan back up and threw it on the ground.

Mingyue Huan was thrown on the ground and heaved a sigh of relief.

At this time, Sima Feng's voice came from my ear again, "What else do you know? For example, where is your master from, and what are they going to do?"

"I, I don't know where the lord came from. I only know that he is not from Donghua. Also, they raise worms, and they raise a lot of poisonous worms in Mingyue Villa."

Ming Yuehuan was afraid of being tortured, so she knew why and didn't need to wait for Sima Feng to ask again, she just poured beans out of a bamboo tube.

"How many people are there in your organization in Donghua, and where are they located?"

 Thanks for the seamless reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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