The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1305 Interrogation overnight

Chapter 1305 Interrogation Overnight ([-])

Sima Feng asked another question, but Mingyuehuan shook his head and said, "I only know people from Mingyue Villa, I don't know if there are other places."

This answer made Sima Feng very dissatisfied, and his face sank again.

Then he asked a few more questions, but Mingyuehuan still didn't know anything.

When asked here, Sima Feng knew that Ming Yuehuan didn't know much at all, so he didn't ask any more, but waved his hand and asked someone to take her out.

When Mingyuehuan left, Sima Feng thought of the news from Shangguan Yuntian and decided to go to Mingyue Villa.

Since Shangguan Yuntian has captured the key figure of the other party, he will have to try everything he says.After all, it is related to the stability of Donghua Kingdom, so don't be careless.

"Come on!" Sima Feng called out.

Shuyan walked in, looked at him and asked, "My lord, what are your orders?"

"Get ready, I'm going to Mingyue Villa." Sima Feng stood up while talking, ready to go back to the room and change.

Shuyan was taken aback when he heard this, and reminded: "My lord, it's the period of the martial arts conference. Wouldn't it be good for my lord to go to Mingyue Villa at this time?"

"It's okay, I'm not going to meet people in Jianghu." Sima Feng waved his hand, indicating that it doesn't matter.He didn't intend to meet people in Jianghu, he just went to meet Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

In other words, he just wanted to meet Ana and get something useful out of her mouth.

"Yes!" Shuyan responded, turned around to prepare for the arrangement, and then heard Sima Feng say: "By the way, remember to call Fengyun Sanshao."

"The words in the book are clear."

Shuyan quickly lined up the carriage, and sent someone to invite Third Young Master Fengyun.Fengyun Third Young Master happened to have nothing to do, so he stayed in the small courtyard. As soon as he heard that Sima Feng was looking for him, he greeted Nangongyu and came over.

"My lord, Mr. Fengyun has arrived, we can go." Shuyan saw the Third Young Master Fengyun coming, and immediately went into the room to report to Sima Feng.

"Okay." Sima Feng stood up, straightened his clothes and walked out.

As soon as he left the room, he happened to see Third Young Master Fengyun.

"Brother Feng, are you looking for me?" Third Young Master Fengyun looked at Sima Feng and asked with a smile.

"Yes, accompany me to Mingyue Villa."

Third Young Master Fengyun was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at Sima Feng and said, "Brother Feng, you are going to Mingyue Villa, have your injuries healed yet?"

"It's almost there. It's all thanks to the genius doctor. Not only is his medical skill good, but even the wound medicine is very effective." Sima Feng replied with a smile, but Fengyun Third Young Master felt relieved.

The two went out together, got into the carriage, and headed for Mingyue Villa.The reason why Sima Feng called Fengyun Third Young Master was to enter the villa in the name of cousin Yehuang, so as not to attract the attention of those Jianghu people.

When Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian received the news that Third Young Master Fengyun had arrived, they were a little surprised and ordered Qin Chao to bring him in.

Unexpectedly, Qin Chao not only brought back Fengyun Third Young Master, but also Sima Feng.

Seeing Sima Feng, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian finally understood why the Third Young Master Fengyun came.However, neither of them said anything, and invited Sima Feng and Third Young Master Fengyun into the living room.

Entering the living room, before sitting down, Sima Feng first confessed to Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian, and said: "Mr. Shangguan, Mrs. Shangguan, Sima Feng took the liberty to come to visit, and I invite you two Haihan."

"I don't know why the prime minister is here?" Shangguan Yuntian glanced at Sima Feng lightly and asked.

He knew that nothing good would happen if Sima Feng came, and he regretted passing the news to him.

(End of this chapter)

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