The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1306 Shocking Secret

Chapter 1306 The Shocking Secret ([-])

"Ming people don't speak in secret, I want to meet the girl Ana in Mr. Shangguan's letter." Sima Feng said straight to the point, he came for Ana.

"Prime Minister Sima wants to see Ana?" Shangguan Yuntian raised his eyebrows, and then told Qin Chao: "Qin Chao, you have to work hard and take Prime Minister Sima to meet her."

"Yes." Qin Chao replied, and took Sima Feng to the house where Ana lived.

When Sima Feng left, Shangguan Yuntian looked at Third Young Master Fengyun and asked, "Have you completed all the tasks assigned to you?"

"What, what mission?" Third Young Master Fengyun was a little confused, looking at Shangguan Yuntian, he didn't remember any mission.

It wasn't until after the question was finished that he met Shangguan Yuntian's sharp eyes that he remembered what his mission was, so he quickly said, "It's done."

Seeing Fengyun Third Young Master like this, Yehuang couldn't help casting a coquettish glance at Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "Yuntian, you scared my cousin."

"Huang'er, it's none of my brother-in-law's business." Third Young Master Fengyun watched Yehuang defend himself, and quickly waved his hand.He didn't want to cause dislike and conflict between Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian because of himself.

When Shangguan Yuntian heard Third Young Master Fengyun's words, he glanced at him with satisfaction, and then said to Yehuang: "Huang'er, you have wronged me, how could I scare my cousin?"

"Cousin, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes!" Third Young Master Fengyun nodded desperately, for fear of being slow in answering, Shangguan Yuntian gave him small shoes to wear again after returning.

Shangguan Yuntian raised his eyebrows at Yehuang, as if to say, see.I didn't scare him.

Seeing the two of them like this, Yehuang didn't say much.Since both of them don't want to talk about this matter, she naturally won't talk about it.

Anyway, she knew that Shangguan Yuntian wouldn't do anything to Fengyun Third Young Master, and Fengyun Third Young Master would only suffer at best.

After the topic was over, the three of them talked about other things, and the atmosphere was quite appropriate.

On Sima Feng's side, however, there was a sense of anger drawn from swords drawn.

Sima Feng sat on the chair, looked at Ana who was sitting opposite him, pursed his lips tightly, his face was a bit gloomy.

He asked Ana several times just now, but she didn't say a word, but just looked at him mockingly.

"Ana, I advise you to answer my question obediently, otherwise my people will not be polite to you."

Sima Feng was annoyed by Ana's attitude, and threatened in a cold voice.

Ana glanced at Sima Feng contemptuously, but remained silent.If Yehuang hadn't threatened her with the Lord's life last time, she wouldn't have said it.

In addition, she has said everything she can say, so she is even more reluctant to speak.

"It seems that you are toasting and don't eat fine wine." Sima Feng lost his patience and gestured to Shuyan standing beside him.

Shuyan went out quickly, and after a while, he brought two people in.

As soon as the two came in, Ana could smell the blood on their bodies.Just as he was guessing who these two people were and what they were doing, he heard Sima Feng say again: "Do you know who they are? Yamen servants who specialize in interrogating prisoners in the yamen."

Ana's face changed after hearing this.Sima Feng looked at it, and then said: "If you speak now, there is still time."

"Don't even think about it!" Ana finally spoke, but it wasn't what Sima Feng wanted to hear.

So, his face darkened, and his patience was completely exhausted, and he ordered the two yamen servants: "Use punishment!"

"Yes, my lord!"

The yamen servant took the order, walked up to Ana, and took out the torture equipment that had been carried behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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