The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1313 Competition in the General Assembly

Chapter 1313 General Assembly Competition ([-])

Reaching out his hand, he picked up the jade pendant, and a warm feeling came from the jade pendant, making him nod in satisfaction.

This is indeed a rare piece of thousand-year-old warm jade, which is just right for Yehuang.

So, he took out the warm jade, helped Yehuang hang it around his neck, and then confessed: "Huang'er, you have to keep this piece of jade with you all the time, try not to leave it."

"I see." Yehuang smiled and nodded, stretched out and gently touched the warm jade hanging down to her chest, a feeling of happiness came naturally.

This is what Shangguan Yuntian specially found for her, and even if he doesn't tell her, she will always wear it.What's more, this jade itself is good for the body, how could she take it off?

"Take a rest, let's go out for a stroll later." Shangguan Yuntian walked towards the big bed with his arms around Yehuang while talking.

These few days they lived in Mingyue Villa, and they didn't have much rest.Although it is said that Yueshan Villa is well arranged and the things they give them are also the best, but it is not what they are used to.

"Okay!" Yehuang was indeed a little tired, and fell asleep while lying on the bed.

Shangguan Yuntian watched Yehuang fall asleep, lowered his head and kissed her on the brow, then quietly got up, and went to deal with business.

Although he was not idle in Mingyue Villa before, some official duties could not be handled in the villa, so there was still a backlog.

After entering the study, Shangguan Yuntian just sat down to deal with official business, when he heard Qin Chao shouting from outside: "Master, this subordinate has something to report."

"Come in." Shangguan Yuntian put down the memorial that he just held in his hand, and said lightly.

Qin Chao opened the door and walked in, said to Shangguan Yuntian: "Master, Yan Dian just sent a message that someone from Xishui Kingdom has arrived."

"Oh, who is here?" Shangguan Yuntian asked casually.

No, Qin Chao listened to Shangguan Yuntian's question, but he glanced at him first, and then said: "Yes, it's Princess Xi Shuiling."

"is her!"

As soon as Xi Shuiling's name came out, Shangguan Yuntian couldn't help frowning.He is no stranger to the name Xishui Ling, and it can even be said that he hates it.Because this woman dared to miss him, and even wanted to replace Ye Huang.

"Keep an eye on her and see what she is going to do in Donghua Kingdom?" The emotion in Shangguan Yuntian's eyes flashed, and he ordered.

"Yes, this subordinate will arrange the arrangement."

Qin Chao left the study room, and went to stare at Xi Shui Ling according to the arrangement.

But Xishui Ling was going to Mingyue Villa at this time. She did not come as a princess of Xishui Country this time, but as a disciple of Hengshan School of Xishui Country.

Along with her was the head of the Hengshan School and his big disciple, namely Xishui Ling's master and brother.

A few people just arrived in Jiangcheng because they were delayed for some time on the road.

Ye Huang knew nothing about Xi Shui Ling's arrival.At this time, she was sleeping soundly.

After Yehuang fell asleep like this, she slept for an hour, until Shangguan Yuntian finished dealing with the backlog of things, and still didn't wake up.

Shangguan Yuntian watched, but did not wake her up, but lay down beside her in his clothes.

Another half an hour passed before Yehuang woke up. Looking at Shangguan Yuntian who was lying next to him in his clothes, he couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Why are you sleeping in your clothes? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

"It's okay." Shangguan Yuntian smiled, got up and helped Yehuang bring the clothes over, and then helped her pull her hair with his own hands, and then let Dong and the others come in and wait for Yehuang to wash her face, while he went to change clothes went.

(End of this chapter)

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