The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1314 Competition in the General Assembly

Chapter 1314 General Assembly Competition ([-])

After washing and grooming, Ye Huang came to her senses, and her spirits were extremely good.So, the two got into the carriage and went shopping.

While shopping, Shangguan Yuntian told Yehuang the news that Xishuiling had come to Jiangcheng.

After hearing the news, Yehuang's expression turned ugly.For this woman Xi Shuiling, she is not ordinary.Especially if she dared to rob her man, she was courting death.

Before, in Dazhao, Xi Shuiling was the messenger, and she couldn't do anything to him.But now, she came here as a Jianghu person. If she dared to provoke her, she would definitely let her know how to write the dead word.

Sensing the hostility emanating from Yehuang, Shangguan Yuntian reached out and patted her on the shoulder and said, "Huang'er, don't pay attention to her, I have already sent someone to watch her."

"It's okay, it's just a Xishui Ling, I don't pay much attention to it. It's just that I feel a little disgusted at the thought of such a person coming to Jiangcheng."

"Huang'er, if you don't want to see her, then we won't go back to Mingyue Villa today." Shangguan Yuntian thought of the latest news from his subordinates, that Xishui Ling had already entered Mingyue Villa.

"She went to Mingyue Villa?" Ye Huang was a little surprised when she heard this.Although she knew that Xi Shuiling was probably here for the martial arts conference, she never expected that she would actually enter Mingyue Villa.It seems that the identity she uses is also that of a Jianghu person.

In this way, if the other party wants to provoke her, he doesn't have to worry about cleaning it up.

"That's right." Shangguan Yuntian nodded, and then told Yehuang all the news he found.

"She turned out to be a disciple of the Hengshan Sect, which surprised me."

Hearing Xi Shuiling's current identity, Yehuang couldn't help but sneered.No wonder the other party hates it so much, it turned out to be someone from Hengshan.

Speaking of which, the reputation of the Hengshan faction in Jianghu is not very good.Especially in Xishui Country, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are domineering.

In the past, Yehuang didn't know what the opponent's support was, but now it seems that it is the royal family.No wonder the Hengshan Sect is the dominant branch in Xishui Country, so it turned out that Xishui Ling was accepted as an apprentice.

"I also just found out." Shangguan Yuntian smiled, and didn't care at all which sect Xi Shuiling was a disciple of.As long as she doesn't mess with him, he won't embarrass her naturally.

If she dared to provoke him, it doesn't matter which sect she is a disciple, just beat her up.

"Forget it, let's come when she comes, as long as she doesn't seek death, we won't see her." Ye Huang pouted, not wanting to say more about Xi Shui Ling.

In short, the other party is the best at understanding, if not, she will naturally make the other party feel better.

Putting aside Xishui Ling's question, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian started to stroll around the street.In fact, the two of them didn't want to buy anything, they just looked around casually to pass the time.

But when they passed by a restaurant, they could not help but stop when they smelled the aroma of vegetables coming from the restaurant.

"Yuntian, it smells so good." Yehuang took a deep breath, and the aroma of vegetables got into her nose, making her swallow uncontrollably.

Seeing Ye Huang like this, Shangguan Yuntian shook his head amusedly, and said: "Since Huang'er is attracted by the fragrance, let's go in and have a look, it would be nice to have dinner."

"Okay!" Ye Huang was waiting for these words, so as soon as Shangguan Yuntian finished speaking, she walked towards the gate of the restaurant first.

Walking into the restaurant, a waiter immediately came out to welcome him and asked, "Several living rooms, welcome to our Jiangcheng restaurant. Do you want to sit in the lobby or in the private room?"

(End of this chapter)

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