The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1326 Self-recommended pillow mat

Chapter 1326 Self-Recommended Pillow Seat ([-])

"What? Brother, you don't want to go back on your word, do you?" Xi Shuiling looked at the shocked Cheng He, his face sank, and his majesty was fully displayed.

She is not only Cheng He's junior sister, but also the princess of Xishui Kingdom. Calling Cheng He senior brother is flattering him.

"That's not what I meant, it's just..." Cheng He looked at Xi Shuiling whose face suddenly changed, and didn't know what to say when the words came to his lips.

He agreed to help Xi Shuiling, but she poured a cup on him without telling him, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Then what do you mean?" Xi Shuiling looked at Cheng He coldly, if it wasn't for her coming out this time, it would be inconvenient for people around her to enter Mingyue Villa, how could she ask him for help.

Although Cheng He is a big brother, in Xi Shui Ling's eyes, he is just a weak and incompetent man.

"I just want to say, before you do this kind of thing in the future, can you discuss it with me first?" Cheng Hyuk hesitated for a while, but still expressed his thoughts.It was right to help Xi Shuiling, but he didn't want to help in a daze.

After all, the matter involved him, but he, the person involved, knew nothing about it. It was a bad feeling to be kept in the dark.

"Discuss with you? Can you agree?" Xi Shuiling sneered after hearing Cheng He's words, as if hearing something funny.

She wanted to discuss it with Cheng He, but just because of his hesitation and lack of simplicity in doing things, the discussion was useless.

"Me?" Cheng Hyuk wanted to refute, but in the end he didn't refute.Because what Xi Shuiling said was right, he would not agree.

As a person from the rivers and lakes, he always kept things like cups at a respectful distance.But now, he has already hit the cup, and it's too late to say anything.

Unless he did what Xi Shui Ling said, there was no way he could take out the cup on his body.

Xi Shuiling waved her hand impatiently, and said to Cheng He: "Okay, that's it. Tomorrow, you find an opportunity to appear in front of that woman and trigger the concentric cup on her body, and then I will bring you Let his man catch-rape."

"Okay!" Cheng Hyuk hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.Now that this is already the case, no matter how much he regrets, no matter how hard he struggles, it will be useless.

After the confession was completed, Xi Shuiling went back to her room.She walked to the closet, took out the baggage she had brought, and specially picked out a set of good-looking clothes, preparing to wear them to meet Shangguan Yuntian tomorrow.

Before, Shangguan Yuntian didn't want to see her, but tomorrow will definitely be different.Who let them win the concentric cup at the same time?
Same heart, same heart, it means that men and women are of the same heart, live and die together.

She wanted to see how Shangguan Yuntian would feel if he saw Yehuang and her elder brother together.

After finding the clothes to wear the next day, Xi Shuiling rested in the room for a while, and then went to find the head of the Hengshan School.

For some matters, it is more convenient for the head of the Hengshan faction to come forward.She wanted everyone in Mingyue Villa to know that Yehuang was having sex with other men behind Shangguan Yuntian's back.

For the requirements of the apprentices, the head of the Hengshan School can be said to be responsive.Therefore, I promised Xishuiling that she would definitely invite her friends from the rivers and lakes to the designated place the next day, so that she could rest assured.

With Master's guarantee, Xi Shuiling was very happy.Then I went out of the yard and chose a place to go.

At this time, in Jiangcheng, Sima Feng received a letter from Shangguan Yuntian, and after reading it, his face became serious.He originally thought that Xi Shui Ling was only here to participate in the martial arts conference, but he didn't expect that she would have a bug that only Xijiang could have on her body.

It seems that Ana still has something to hide from him.

(End of this chapter)

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