The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1327 Self-recommended pillow mat

Chapter 1327 Self-Recommended Pillow Seat ([-])

Thinking about it, Sima Feng's eyes turned cold, he got up and walked to the room of Ana who was being imprisoned.

In the room, Ana was walking up and down bored.Since she was brought back by Sima Feng, she has been locked in the house, no one spoke, and no one came to interrogate her.

She wanted to go out, wanted to leave here, but it was a pity that her martial arts were banned, the poison on her body was gone, and there were soldiers guarding outside, so she couldn't get out at all.

Fortunately, the food here is not bad, so she finally doesn't have to go hungry.

It's just that what's the use of good food, she can't go out, can't see the Lord, and doesn't know how he is doing now.

While Ana was thinking wildly, footsteps came from outside the room.Immediately afterwards, the door was opened, and Sima Feng walked in.

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Sima Feng, Ana's eyes flashed a look of vigilance.She was still afraid of Sima Feng, a man.After all, to be able to sit on the position of prime minister of a country at a young age is absolutely extraordinary in mind.

Facing him, she didn't know how many intentions she had, for fear of being tricked or seen through.

"Don't be nervous, I'll come to talk to you." Sima Feng saw that Ana was on guard against him, but he didn't care, and sat down directly opposite her.

Sima Feng was sitting and Ana was standing, unwilling to sit down for a long time.

"Sit down!" Sima Feng looked at Ana like this, his eyes flickered.

After a while, Ana sat down, looked at Sima Feng and asked, "Tell me, what are you talking about?"

Sima Feng looked at Ana and smiled, and said, "It's nothing, I just wanted to ask if you know the Seventh Princess of Xishui."

"What Seventh Princess, I don't know?" Ana's expression changed, but she recovered quickly and shook her head.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know was that Sima Feng had already seen her expression just now, so he didn't believe her words at all, but asked directly: "How did you know Xishui Ling?"

Ana didn't react for a while, and replied directly following Sima Feng's words: "That's how we got to know each other."

It wasn't until he finished speaking that he realized what he had said, and his face turned ugly. He stared at Sima Feng and said, "Damn fox, are you trying to trick me?"

Sima Feng smiled, and was not dissatisfied with the title of fox.He looked at Ana lightly with his smiling eyes, seeing her angry, regretful, and resentful.

"Tell me, what is Xishuiling doing in Donghua?" Asked again, but Ana kept her mouth tightly shut, not daring to say any more.She was afraid that if she didn't pay attention, she would reveal the information to Sima Feng again.

Sima Feng waited quietly for a while, looked at Ana as if she was in Mingyue Villa, and when she was silent again, asked: "Don't tell me?"

Ana turned her head and stopped looking at him.

Sima Feng didn't force it either, but stood up and prepared to leave.

Looking at Sima Feng's actions, Ana's face was full of suspicion.This doesn't look like his style. It stands to reason that he has to threaten her and force her until she speaks?Just like when I was in Mingyue Villa before.

But what happened today, why did he leave?

When Ana was wondering if Sima Feng had taken the wrong medicine, his voice reached her ears, "Since you don't say anything, then I'll go and greet the lord. Believe it, he should Happy to cooperate.”

As soon as these words came out, Ana's face changed, she stood up abruptly, and shouted towards Sima Feng's back: "Wait a minute."

Hearing this, Sima Feng had a triumphant smile on his face.It seemed that Ye Huang's method worked.No, wouldn't Ana just compromise?

 The fourth watch is over!The new book "Ace Military Marriage: Mr. Chief, indulge in pampering! "

(End of this chapter)

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