The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1329 Self-recommended pillow mat

Chapter 1329 Self-Recommended Pillow Seat ([-])

In this way, he absolutely does not believe that Xishui Kingdom did not get involved in this matter.

"Otherwise, what else can there be?" Ana stared at Sima Feng, she said that he didn't believe him, she was really mad at her.If she knew it earlier, she wouldn't say it.

"Think about it again." Sima Feng reminded.

Ana lowered her head and thought for a while, then said, "That's all I know."

"Okay, you go back first. I'll have someone check your words." Sima Feng waved his hand, indicating that Ana could leave.

"Aren't you going?" Ana saw Sima Feng let herself leave alone, and she was overjoyed.Thinking, is it possible to take the opportunity to escape.But as soon as her thoughts appeared, a guard appeared beside her silently, and said coldly: "Please."

Seeing the guard, Ana's face collapsed, and she followed him back to the room.

After Ana left, Sima Feng had the lord interrogated again, and finally pried his mouth open and got some useful information.

At this time, in Mingyue Villa, Xi Shuiling visited the entire Mingyue Villa, and finally found a place suitable for catching rape, a lotus pavilion not far from where everyone lived.

The pavilion is built on the edge of the lotus pond, there is no shelter nearby, there are several roads in front, no matter which road you come from, you can see the movements of the people in the pavilion clearly at a glance.

After finding the place, Xi Shuiling happily went back to the yard where she lived.But they didn't know that all her actions were seen by the people sent by Qin Chao.

Back in the yard, Xi Shuiling told her master the location, and then went back to her room to sleep.

However, what Xi Shuiling didn't know was that while she was sleeping soundly, someone dropped the cup worms she carefully prepared for Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian onto the head of the Hengshan School and herself.

That is to say, there are two concentric cups on Xi Shui Ling's body now, and they are aimed at different men, one is her master and the other is her senior brother.

Xi Shuiling knew nothing about these.At this time, she was having a sweet dream, dreaming that Shangguan Yuntian had already prostrated herself under her pomegranate skirt, and Yehuang was abandoned by Shangguan Yuntian like clogs.

She even dreamed that Yehuang was kneeling in front of her, begging for her forgiveness.

At the end of the dream, Xi Shuiling woke up from being laughed at.After waking up, I found that it was just a dream, and my face became a little dark.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for the sky to light up.She didn't sleep anymore, but got up directly.

The first thing Xi Shuiling did after waking up was to find her elder brother Cheng He, give him the method to trigger the concentric cup, and told him to go find Yehuang and take him to the pavilion.

Yehuang already knew about Xishui Ling's plan.In order to cooperate with her in acting, to better hit Xi Shuiling's face, and to let her suffer the consequences, Ye Huang, who has always been inseparable from Shangguan Yuntian, took Dong and Xia for a walk after breakfast to digest food.

Cheng He had been guarding the big tree not far from the courtyard where Ye Huang lived, watching her come out with two maids, he couldn't help but quietly followed.

Originally, he didn't want to come, but Xi Shuiling threatened him that if he didn't come, he would tell the master and let the master expel him from the school.

There was no way, Cheng Hyuk had to compromise.

However, what Cheng He didn't know was that Xi Shui Ling didn't fully believe him, so he sent a junior brother to watch him secretly.It wasn't until he saw him quietly following Ye Huang that he returned to report to Xi Shui Ling.

Xi Shuiling was overjoyed when he got the news, so he got up and left the dressing table, ready to go to Shangguan Yuntian.

(End of this chapter)

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