The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1330 Self-recommended pillow mat

Chapter 1330 Self-Recommended Pillow Seat ([-])

In the courtyard, Shangguan Yuntian was dealing with official business in the study, when he heard Xi Shuiling's visit, he frowned in disgust.

He originally wanted someone to drive Xi Shui Ling out, but when he thought of Ye Huang's confession, he held back and told his subordinates: "Let her wait!"

Seeing that Shangguan Yuntian didn't let anyone throw her out, Xi Shuiling couldn't help being happy.Sitting in the living room drinking tea, waiting for Shangguan Yuntian to come out.

However, after drinking a cup of tea, Shangguan Yuntian still didn't come out, which made Xi Shuiling anxious.She stood up and took a look at what she was wearing. It was a very beautiful dress, coupled with her delicate face, there should be no one who would not like it.

When she first came here, she deliberately tried her own charm, and found that the people she secretly sent waves to were a little fascinated.

After waiting for a while, Shangguan Yuntian still did not come out.Xi Shuiling couldn't stay still anymore, so she went out of the living room and caught the guard standing outside and asked, "Where is your master? Why hasn't he come yet?"

The guard glanced at Xi Shuiling, and said calmly: "My grandfather is busy, please wait a little longer."

However, Xi Shuiling had no patience at all, and said directly: "Where is your master, I will find him myself."

With that said, she was going to find someone.

However, the guards dodged and blocked her way: "Miss, please stay. My master told me to wait, and please don't embarrass me."

"You?" Xi Shuiling looked annoyed, staring at the guard and wanted to make a move, but when he thought about his purpose of coming here and looked at his attire, Xi Shuiling held back again.

After that, she returned to the living room and waited.

Fortunately, this time, she didn't wait too long, and Shangguan Yuntian walked in.

"His Royal Highness, you are here." Seeing Shangguan Yuntian, Xi Shuiling was full of surprise, stood up and went forward.

Seeing Xi Shuiling rushing towards him, Shangguan Yuntian swayed aside, frowned in disgust, and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Your Highness, the princess admires you." Xi Shuiling looked up at Shangguan Yuntian with a nympho.

"So what?" Shangguan Yuntian crossed Xi Shuiling and sat down on the chair, then looked at her coldly.

"I wonder if His Highness the Crown Prince can give this princess a chance, a chance to be with His Highness."

"I already have a wife." Shangguan Yuntian said displeased, who does Xi Shuiling think he is?So what if she is a princess, in Shangguan Yuntian's eyes, she is not even worthy to carry Ye Huang's shoes.

"Yes, you have a wife. But what if this wife doesn't love you as you imagined, what if she cheated on her?"

"What did you say?" Shangguan Yuntian's face darkened when he heard Xi Shuiling's words, he stood up abruptly, and stretched out his hand to grab her neck.

"Please repeat what you said just now." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Xi Shuiling coldly, as if looking at a dead person.

"I, what I said is true. If you don't believe me, I can take you to see it." Xi Shuiling didn't expect Shangguan Yuntian to attack him suddenly, and his face turned pale.

Afterwards, she slowly calmed down again, because she thought that Shangguan Yuntian had been hit by her concentric cup, and now that they were so close, it was a good time to trigger the concentric cup.Once the concentric cup on Shangguan Yuntian's body spoke, maybe he forgot about Yehuang and fell in love with her?
Isn't this a good opportunity for her to sneak in and recommend herself as a pillow?

(End of this chapter)

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