The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1334 A good show

Chapter 1334 A Good Show ([-])
Ye Huang didn't seem to see Cheng He's surprise, and came to her little by little, directly blocking his body.

In this way, from a distance, it really looks like Ye Huang and Cheng He are doing something intimate.Little did they know that the distance between the two of them was at least five steps away.

"Ma'am, you?" Cheng He looked at Yehuang, opened his mouth, and was about to say something, when he saw Yehuang stop, so he closed his mouth and looked at her suspiciously.

Yehuang smiled faintly at him, and then said: "The show has begun."

The voice fell, and footsteps came from another road.Cheng He raised his head and saw that it was his master, the head of the Hengshan School, walking towards this side with a group of friends from all walks of life.

It wasn't until now that Cheng He finally understood what Yehuang was talking about.He looked at Yehuang with a complicated expression, and he didn't say anything in the end when he wanted to say something.

Forget it, things have come to this point, saying anything is superfluous.

Seeing Ye Huang approaching Cheng He from a distance, Xi Shui Ling thought that the concentric cup had played a role, and couldn't help feeling proud.

She turned her head to look at Shangguan Yuntian, but she didn't speak, but there was a trace of pleasure and pity in her eyes.Didn't he believe in Yehuang?At this moment, seeing such a scene, can he still believe it as before?

Not necessarily.

Shangguan Yuntian also saw Yehuang approaching Chenghe, but there was no expression on his face.Because he not only saw Yehuang approaching Chenghe, but also saw the gesture she made to him, which was a gesture indicating that the good show had begun.

Therefore, when Xi Shuiling was looking at him, Shangguan Yuntian didn't even blink his eyes, he kept moving his feet, and went directly towards the lotus pavilion.

However, after walking a few steps, he saw a large group of people coming from another road, Shangguan Yuntian couldn't help squinting his eyes, and took a look at Xi Shuiling.

It seems that she not only wants to bring herself to catch-rape, but also brings a lot of viewers.And it can be seen that they are all people with heads and brains in the world.

He even saw Fenghua Xueyue from the ghost gate and his Yan Dian's subordinates among the crowd.It can't be seen that the head of the Hengshan School has a lot of face, and he has brought almost everyone who speaks volumes.

When Xi Shuiling heard the commotion on the other road, the smile on his face grew a little bit.With the audience, the good show has begun. This time, she wants to see how Yehuang can turn around.

Doesn't Shangguan Yuntian believe in Yehuang?When he saw Ye Huang kissing me with another man, would the expression on his face still be as calm and calm as it is now?
Is Xishuiling really looking forward to it?
Involuntarily, she quickened her pace and approached the pavilion.He didn't even look at the situation in the pavilion seriously, so he said loudly, "Hey, isn't that Mrs. Shangguan and Senior Brother? What are they doing there?"

The head of the Hengshan faction who had just approached over there heard Xi Shuiling's voice, and he also pretended to glance into the pavilion, and said, "There seems to be a person in the pavilion? It seems that a man and a woman are dating?"

After a pause, he said again: "Hey, why do those two look so familiar?"

"Who says no, one of them looks like your big apprentice."

"Master District, your senior brother actually has a woman he likes, isn't it good? When will you treat us to a wedding wine?"

"That's right, head of the district, you can tell us when you have a wedding banquet."

(End of this chapter)

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