The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1335 A good show

Chapter 1335 A Good Show (V)
"Come on, let's go and have a look. Let's see who it is who can get into the eyes of the Hengshan disciples."

Everyone said a word, and I walked towards the lotus pavilion.

Fenghuaxueyue had already seen that one of the people in the pavilion was Yehuang, and her expression turned ugly.They were not fools, from the fact that the head of the Hengshan School strongly invited them to come out for a stroll, to the big disciples of the Hengshan School and Yehuang in the pavilion, there was nothing they didn't understand.

What puzzled Fenghua Xueyue was why the Hengshan faction wanted to plot against Yehuang, and what benefit it would be for them to plot against her.

"See, that's the good lady you've been thinking of, but now she's with my elder brother." Xi Shuiling turned her head and looked at Shangguan Yuntian gloatingly.

Didn't he believe in Yehuang?Now that he saw it with his own eyes, would he still believe it?This is a bare-naked slap in the face.

"So what?" Shangguan Yuntian had a cold face, ignoring Xi Shuiling's provocation and gloating, and strode directly into the pavilion.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ye Huang turned around and saw that it was Shangguan Yuntian who smiled and said, "You're here."

"En!" Shangguan Yuntian responded, and then pulled Yehuang to his side, scolding him: "What is the man who parted from you doing so close? It's not good to let others misunderstand."

"But if I don't get close, how can I see a doctor for him?" Ye Huang smiled, pointed at Cheng He and said, "He seems to be poisoned."

"What, Gu Du, Mrs. Shangguan, are you sure?" The Jianghu people who followed the head of the Hengshan School to watch the excitement were shocked when they heard Yehuang's words.

"That's right, not only did I see that he was poisoned, but I also knew that he was poisoned by the concentric cup." Ye Huang smiled at the person who asked the question, then looked at the others, and asked in confusion : "What happened? Why are you all here?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their attention to the head of the Hengshan School, and said: "The head of the district said that the lotus flowers here are blooming well, and specially invited us to come and have a look."

"Looking at the lotus?" Yehuang was startled, then pointed to the lotus pond with only green leaves and no flowers, and said, "You probably went to the wrong place, right? There seems to be no lotus here."


Yehuang's words made the head of the Hengshan faction very embarrassed, and said, "I seem to remember it wrong."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xi Shuiling again. Didn't she say that everything was arranged?But what happened to Yehuang now?

Moreover, just now Ye Huang said that Cheng He had been hit by a cup worm, what is going on?
At this time, the head of the Hengshan School would never have dreamed that Yehuang would be a famous medical immortal, not to mention seeing the cup in Cheng He's body, even if it was solved, it would be no problem.

As for Xi Shuiling, who was completely stunned, staring at Yehuang and Cheng He in a daze, he didn't react for a long time.

What's the situation? How is Yehuang all right?Also, how did she know that senior brother was hit by the concentric cup?Could it be that the elder brother betrayed her and told Yehuang?
The people who followed the head of the Hengshan School were not fools, and they had already understood some things.

They looked at Yehuang, then at the head of the Hengshan faction, and finally decided that it was better to stand on Yehuang's side, after all, they had seen Yehuang's medical skills with their own eyes.

At the beginning, Ming Feng was said to be hopeless, but Ye Huang saved him as soon as he made a move.

It's better for them not to offend such a person, not to mention they also want to know if Yehuang can cure the poison, so they asked: "Madam Shangguan, can the disciple of the head of the district cure the poison?"

 The fourth watch is over!The new book "Ace Military Marriage: Mr. Chief, indulge in pampering! "

(End of this chapter)

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