The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1336 Master-Apprentice War

Chapter 1336 Master-Apprentice War ([-])

"Of course!" Yehuang laughed again, and said, "It's just a bug, it's not as difficult as my wife."

As soon as Yehuang finished speaking, some friends in Jianghu scolded the person who asked the question: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Mrs. Shangguan's medical skills are so good, how could she not be able to cure her poison?"

"That's right, the last time the Master Ming was injured, the doctor told him to prepare for the funeral. Mrs. Shangguan helped to heal it."

"That's right, Mrs. Shangguan's medical skills are superb, how can it be difficult for a small poison to get her?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Mrs. Shangguan is simply a miracle doctor."

The head of the Hengshan faction, seeing the situation was one-sided, didn't know how to help Xi Shuiling.As for Cheng He, who was already stunned, he stared blankly at Yehuang, never thinking that she was a doctor, and a doctor with excellent medical skills.

No wonder her face was so calm when talking about cup worms, it turns out that she can detoxify cup poison.In this way, can the cup worm on his body be cured?

And Xi Shuiling was also stunned by this news, secretly thought: How could this happen?
If Ye Huang could really get rid of the poison, then did she already know that she had planted the poison on her and Shangguan Yuntian?

With this thought, Xi Shuiling quickly threw it away.

No, it's impossible.If Yehuang really knew that she had placed a beetle on them, why would she still come here?

Therefore, she should have only seen Cheng He's body being shot, and she probably didn't know that she and Shangguan Yuntian were also shot.

Thinking of this, Xi Shuiling suddenly regained some confidence, and she began to secretly stimulate the concentric cup on her body.

Since Yehuang's plan failed, she could only start with Shangguan Yuntian.

As the concentric cup on Xi Shuiling's body was activated, Shangguan Yuntian didn't respond at all, which made her puzzled.

She could feel that the other concentric cup was still alive, but why didn't Shangguan Yuntian respond?

When Xi Shuiling was wondering, the head of the Hengshan School who didn't know what to do because he couldn't catch the adulterer, and Cheng He, who had just recovered from the intoxication in his body, suddenly became strange.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to be under control, they stood up, passed the crowd, and approached Xi Shuiling.

Xi Shuiling was annoyed because her cup worm could not influence Shangguan Yuntian, but when she saw Cheng He and Master approaching her, she suddenly thought of something, and her face couldn't help but change.

At this time, the people in the rivers and lakes nearby also noticed something strange, and their eyes were all focused on the three of them.

Everyone watched the head of the Hengshan School walk up to Xishui Ling, and watched him put his arms around Xishui Ling's waist, saying, "Ling'er, you are so beautiful."

On the one hand, he made a gesture to ask Yun to kiss Xishuiling.

However, just when the head of the Hengshan School was about to kiss Xishuiling, Cheng He suddenly stepped between the two of them, blocked the movement of the head of the Hengshan School, and said, "Master, my younger sister is mine."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xi Shuiling, and said affectionately: "Junior Sister, I like you, I have always liked you very much. Will you marry me?"

As soon as Cheng He finished speaking, the head of the Hengshan School became angry, pushed him away, and cursed: "You bastard, Ling'er will be your teacher's wife in the future, how can she marry you?"

"Master, you are old, and you are not worthy of junior sister. Let junior sister marry your apprentice." Cheng He was not to be outdone, stepped forward and pulled the head of the Hengshan School aside again, and then stretched out his hand to Laxi water chestnut.

 Thanks to the user 20****12 for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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