The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1344 Princess Madness

Chapter 1344 Princess Madness ([-])

At this time, Xishui Ling had arrived at the back mountain and was walking towards the forest.However, as soon as she entered the forest, she felt that danger was approaching.So she took courage and said, "I am Xi Shui Ling, and I want to see Ana."

After the voice shouted, there was silence in the woods.

Xi Shuiling waited quietly for a while, but nothing happened.Such a quiet forest made Xi Shuiling feel more and more uneasy.

But in order to find Ana, Xi Shuiling took courage again and walked forward cautiously.

As soon as he entered the woods, Xi Shuiling felt a shattered feeling, and his body trembled uncontrollably.But at this moment, a black figure flashed in front of her, causing her to scream in fright.

After calling out, she took a closer look, but found nothing.

Xi Shuiling doubted her eyes, stretched out her hands to rub them, and then looked around again, but there was still nothing.

Could it be that I was really dazzled by my own vision and scared myself?
Thinking of this, Xi Shuiling was not so scared anymore, stood up and walked further into the forest again.She remembered that Ana found out that Ana was behind this forest.

Therefore, as long as she passed through this forest, she could find Ana.

Thinking of this, Xi Shuiling became more courageous, and quickly walked towards the depths of the forest.Originally, there was a mechanism in this forest, but after being broken by Shangguan Yuntian, the mechanism became a decoration.

Therefore, Xishui Ling entered the depths of the mountain forest and did not encounter the organ.

However, the further she walked in, the more uneasy she became.At the end, Xi Shuiling couldn't help but started trotting.

But at this moment, there was a sudden movement in the woods.Then, with a bang, a black shadow flashed past her eyes again.

Xi Shuiling resisted not screaming, but her whole body became agitated and shouted loudly: "Who is it, come out for me."

But what answered her was the rustling of leaves.

"Who the hell is it? Don't play tricks on me here. If you don't come out, don't blame me for being rude." Xi Shuiling said again, pressing her hand tightly on the saber around her waist, planning to strike as soon as the other party came out. .

However, after waiting for a while, there was still no one.Xi Shuiling couldn't help becoming annoyed.If you read it wrong the first time, it is impossible to read it wrong the second time.

Therefore, he felt that someone must be playing tricks.

It's just that if the other party doesn't come out, she can't help it.And right now, it is important to find Ana.So she didn't put the long sword back, just held it in her hand and walked forward.

One step, two steps, three steps.When Xi Shuiling reached the fifth step, the black shadow appeared again.This time, Soi Ying didn't just frighten Xi Shuiling, but directly gave her a whip.

Xi Shuiling quickly sensed the opponent's breath, and turned her body to the side, trying to avoid it.However, the opponent's speed was too fast, and she couldn't avoid it at all.

He could only watch the black long whip swinging on his body, and let out a cry of pain.

After a whip, the man in black disappeared again.Xi Shuiling hated her so much, but there was nothing she could do.Because the other party didn't show up, she couldn't find the other party's whereabouts at all.

Aggrieved, Xi Shuiling glanced at her wound, and ran forward with hatred on her face.

I don't know if she ran too fast, or what happened.While running, she suddenly fell to the ground, and her whole body was slammed into the stone-paved path.

With a sound of "ah", Xishui Ling exhaled in pain.Looking down, his face instantly became extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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