The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1345 Princess Madness

Chapter 1345 Princess Madness ([-])

Her fall was very serious, not only her hands were worn out, but her knees were also badly injured.Of course, this wasn't what pissed her off the most.What made her angry was that she fell so badly that her clothes were torn.

"Damn it, who is it, who is playing tricks on me?" Xi Shuiling was going crazy, her eyes were red, and she looked around.

She ran well before, but suddenly she tripped over a stone under her feet. It was definitely because someone threw a stone under her feet on purpose.

In the dark of the forest, Qin Chao waited for me to look at Xi Shuiling, who was in a panic and mad, and sneered with his lips curled up.This is just an appetizer, the real good stuff comes later.

Xi Shuiling stood up with great difficulty, glanced at the forest where she had walked most of the way, and would not be reconciled if she returned.But if you don't go back, you don't know what will be waiting for you.

After hesitating for a long time, Xi Shuiling still didn't return the same way.Because she didn't want to make a trip in vain, she wanted to find Ana as soon as possible and ask her to help deal with Yehuang.

Now, she couldn't bear it all day.Why, she wants status, status, looks, but Shangguan Yuntian can't even look at her more.

Therefore, she wanted to kill Yehuang as soon as possible, and then let Shangguan Yuntian only have her in his eyes and in his heart, just like he did to Yehuang now.

As if he had expected Xi Shuiling's choice long ago, Qin Chao curled his lips and ordered: "Hurry up and get ready, we have to give each other a grand meeting gift."

After Qin Chao's voice fell, several black shadows flashed to the room behind the forest.

Xi Shuiling was vigilant all the way, tensed her nerves, and finally got out of the woods, and saw the house mentioned in the news.

The moment she saw the room, Xi Shuiling breathed a sigh of relief.She finally found it here, and she finally found another support.Xi Shuiling believed that as long as Ana was there, she would be able to successfully pour the cup on Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

Xi Shuiling stood and rested for a while, but didn't notice anything unusual at all.

It wasn't until she was about to approach the house that she felt something, her face changed slightly, and then she shouted loudly: "Ana, Ana!"

After shouting twice, but there was no response, Xi Shuiling's heart sank.

This place is too weird, she is so close to the house, how can there be no movement at all?Unless there is an ambush inside, or there is no one here at all.

But Xi Shuiling couldn't tell which one it was.But either way, it's not a good thing for her.

"Is anyone there?" Xi Shuiling yelled again, but there was still no movement, and her heart became more and more uneasy.

She stood where she was, not daring to go any further.

The people in the room waited quietly for a while, seeing that Xi Shuiling stopped moving forward, they couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.Fortunately, her reaction was already in Qin Chao's expectation, so he was not very disappointed.

He raised his hand and made a gesture towards the dark, asking everyone to follow the second plan.

Seeing Qin Chao's hand gesture, finally there was movement in the room.

I saw that the originally closed doors opened one by one, and then someone walked out.

Seeing the person who came out, Xi Shuiling was first surprised, then overjoyed, then looked at him and asked, "Who are you?"

"Are you here to find Ana? She is in the nursery of the worm, come with me."

After the man finished speaking, he turned and went into the house.

Xi Shuiling frowned, glanced at the open door, hesitated for a while, and finally took a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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