The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1346 Burning the Villa

Chapter 1346 Burning the Villa ([-])

Even if there is a trap ahead, she still has to try.

When Xi Shuiling walked into the room, the door closed silently, and the room was completely dark.Xi Shuiling was startled, and her expression changed again.

She stood there, not daring to move, holding her breath, waiting for the light to come.

However, she didn't wait for the light, only the shed bag.The moment her head was covered by the bag, Xi Shuiling finally determined that she had been caught in a trap.

So she began to struggle, but to no avail.She only felt the mouth of the bag tie up, and then a burst of fists hit her body like rain.

Xishui Ling cried out in pain, his heart was full of hatred.She hated herself for being helpless, and hated Yehuang for humiliating her so much.

That's right, in Xi Shuiling's view, there would be no one else but Yehuang who would deal with her like this.After all, here, Yehuang is the only one who has hatred against her.

After Qin Chao asked his subordinates to beat Xi Shuiling for a while, he asked everyone to stop.The master explained before that he can't kill people, just a lesson.

Now that the lesson has been learned, it's time to stop.

"Commander, what should we do now?" He stopped his fist and asked Qin Chaodao.

"Throw her back into the villa." Qin Chao ordered lightly, and immediately someone carried the bag and headed towards Mingyue Villa.

The man threw Xi Shui Ling back to her room, without even untying the rope of the bag, he threw her directly on the ground.

Xi Shuiling woke up from the pain.

She was knocked out before, and she didn't even know that she was sent back to the room.She didn't wake up until the pain hit her, and then she felt the darkness in front of her eyes, and then she remembered the previous experience.

Thinking of what happened before, Xi Shuiling calmed down, sensing the movement around her.It wasn't until he was sure there was no danger that he struggled to get out of the bag.

But she struggled for a while, not only did not break free, but she was exhausted enough.

In the end, she was really exhausted, so she had to give up, then rested for a while, and tried to shout loudly.

"Come on, come on."

Cheng He's room is next door to Xishuiling. After hearing the movement, he thought Xishuiling was working again, so he ignored it.

It wasn't until Xi Shuiling circled herself into a ball and rolled towards the door, and hit the door, that Cheng He realized that something was wrong, so he opened the door and went to the next door, shouting: "Junior Sister, are you alright?"

Hearing Cheng He's voice, Xi Shui Ling was very excited, almost weeping with joy, and said in a choked voice, "Brother, save me!"

When Cheng He heard the words, his face changed, and he pushed open the door of the room violently.He didn't know that Xi Shuiling was behind the door, and when he pushed so hard, the door slammed on Xi Shuiling's body, knocking her unconscious again.

As soon as the door was pushed open, Cheng Hyuk entered the room, and saw the big bag behind the door at first sight, so his face changed, he squatted down quickly, and started to untie the rope.

As soon as the rope was pulled away, Xi Shuiling's bruised face and swollen nose were exposed.If it wasn't for her previous shout, Cheng He would never have recognized that this was Xi Shui Ling.

Seeing Xi Shuiling's horrific appearance, Cheng He's expression changed, and he bent down to hug her out.

He hugged Xi Shuiling and put it on the bed, and after taking a general look at her injuries, he quickly left the room and went to find the head of the district.

When the head of the district heard that Xi Shuiling had been beaten, he was also taken aback. When he came to Xi Shuiling's room, after seeing her appearance, he couldn't help but think of Shangguan Yuntian.

He thought it was Shangguan Yuntian's revenge, because Xi Shuiling plotted against them today.

(End of this chapter)

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