The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1347 Burning the Villa

Chapter 1347 Burning the Villa ([-])

Although they didn't lose anything, they would not tolerate other people's calculations, so once the matter was over, they found someone to take revenge.

"Hurry up and ask for a doctor." The head of the district ordered after seeing Xi Shuiling's injury.

"Yes!" Cheng He replied, and went out of the room to ask the manager of the villa to ask for a doctor.

Not long after Cheng He left, Xi Shui Ling woke up.As soon as he opened his eyes and saw the head of the district guarding the side of the room, he couldn't help but shed tears and shouted: "Master!"

"Ling'er, it's all right, it's all right. Master has already asked your elder brother to call for a doctor. After a while, let the doctor prescribe some medicine, and your injury will be healed."

"Master, I don't want to see the doctor, I want revenge, I want revenge." Xi Shuiling shouted loudly.She knew that most of the wounds on her body were skin traumas, and they were not in the way at all.

It's just that she was beaten, and she couldn't bear such humiliating things.

She wants revenge!

"Revenge, who are you looking for revenge?" The head of the district changed his face, looked at Xi Shuiling and said: "Have you still not understood? He is not something we can provoke."

"Master, why can't you offend her? She is the concubine and I am the princess. She has Dazhao behind her, and Xishui behind me. The two of us are evenly matched. Why can't I offend him?"

"Ling'er, what should I say as a teacher, you can understand that it's not the concubine who can't be offended, but the prince." The head of the district looked at Xi Shuiling with some displeasure, why couldn't she figure it out?

It was said that Shangguan Yuntian was not easy to mess with, but not only did she not listen, she also wanted to take revenge.Isn't this going to die?
Today, Shangguan Yuntian just taught Xi Shuiling a lesson, and also gave them a warning.If Xi Shui Ling doesn't want to repent, then he will probably kill Xi Shui Ling next.

"Master, the prince is just bewildered by Ye Huang, the vixen. As long as he kills her, the prince will wake up, and then he will see my goodness. At that time, he will only love me, so what? Will you deal with me?"

After hearing this, the head of the district looked at Xi Shuiling in shock and was speechless.

Is she out of her mind?Kill someone else's wife, will others still love her, love her?

However, Xi Shuiling didn't see the look on the head of the district at all, and shook his sleeves, saying: "Master, you have to help me, help me get rid of that bitch Ye Huang."

The head of the district was speechless, he gave Xi Shuiling a cold look, pulled out his sleeve, and said lightly: "You were injured and frightened, take care of it. Go see it for your teacher. See if the doctor is here."

After finishing speaking, the head of the district stopped looking at Xi Shuiling and left the room.

Xi Shuiling watched the head of the district leave indifferently, and a layer of hatred slowly gathered in his eyes.Sure enough, relying on others is worse than relying on yourself.

Since Master was unwilling to help her, she had to find someone else.

Fortunately, she brought a lot of people with her this time. Although they were not in Mingyue Villa, they were in Jiangcheng.

It seems that she has to summon her own people.

Thinking about it, Xi Shuiling narrowed her eyes and closed them.And when she closed her eyes, the pain on her body became more and more obvious.

All these pains finally turned into hatred and entered Xi Shui Ling's heart.

Not long after, the doctor came, checked Xi Shuiling, and left some ointment for her to reduce swelling and stasis.

After the doctor left, Xi Shuiling looked at the ointment and asked Cheng He for a mirror.

However, when she saw the person in the mirror who looked neither like a human nor like a ghost, she screamed in fright.The ointment in his hand immediately fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

 The fourth watch is over!The new book "Ace Military Marriage: Mr. Chief, indulge in pampering! 》Ask for favorites, comments, votes, ratings, all kinds of requests!
(End of this chapter)

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