The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1350 Burning the Villa

Chapter 1350 Burning the Villa ([-])

The junior brother glanced at Xi Shuiling, touched his head a little embarrassedly, and said: "Senior sister, I heard that you were injured, I'll come and see you."

"Junior brother, thank you, thank you for caring about me so much, unlike senior brother..." Xi Shuiling said half and kept the other half, pretending to be sad.

The little junior brother looked at it, became anxious, and asked: "Senior sister, what's wrong with the senior brother?"

"No, it's nothing." Xi Shuiling shook her head and said nothing, but anyone could tell from her expression that there was something.

"Senior sister, please tell me quickly, what happened to senior brother? Did he bully you? I'll avenge you." In a panic, the younger junior brother couldn't care about anything else, only thinking that Xi Shuiling's behavior must be wrong. After being bullied, he wanted to settle the score with his elder brother.

"Don't!" Seeing that the junior brother was really going to trouble Cheng He, Xi Shuiling immediately stretched out his hand to hold him, and said, "Junior brother, senior brother didn't bully me."



"Then you just said..." The little junior looked at Xi Shuiling suspiciously, trying to see something from her face, but unfortunately he didn't see anything.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xi Shuiling said to the younger brother: "Little brother, it's like this, the senior sister was bullied by others, but the master and the senior brother not only did not help the senior sister to avenge, but also said good things for the enemy. I am very sorry for the senior sister." Sad, and sad."

After hearing Xi Shuiling's words, the little junior brother couldn't bear to see her really sad, and comforted her: "Senior sister, don't be sad, you still have me? If they don't help you, I will help you." you."

"Are you willing to help me?" Xi Shuiling waited for this sentence, pretending to be surprised.

"Yes!" The junior brother nodded and asked, "Senior sister, who is the other party, I will help you avenge."

"Forget it, you can't beat her." Xi Shuiling shook her head and tried to persuade the younger brother.But what she said was obviously persuading, but secretly it was exasperating.She was motivating the junior brother, motivating his bloodiness, motivating him to be desperate.

Sure enough, the younger brother was persuaded by Xi Shuiling, but he became more determined to help her avenge her.

"Senior sister, it's okay, I'm not afraid."

"Really not afraid?"


"Since this is the case, then you can do Senior Sister a favor, okay?"

"Okay, senior sister, tell me."

After hearing this, Xi Shuiling's eyes flashed a gleam of success, and she lowered her head and whispered in the ear of the little junior brother.

After listening to Xi Shuiling's words, the junior brother looked up at her, and assured her earnestly: "Senior sister, don't worry, I will definitely get things done."

"Thank you, Junior Brother." Xi Shuiling thanked Junior Brother, and then watched him leave the yard.

Someone went to help her, Xi Shuiling was in a good mood, and went back to her room to sleep.

Besides, after the little junior brother left Mingyue Villa, he rode a horse to Jiangcheng, and came back in a carriage a few hours later.

He parked the carriage not far from Mingyue Villa, and then went back to look for Xi Shuiling.

Xi Shuiling was sleeping soundly in the room, when she was suddenly awakened by a knock on the door, her face was a little ugly, and she asked in a bad tone: "Who is it?"

"Senior Sister, it's me, I'm back." The junior brother replied from outside, causing Xi Shuiling to wake up abruptly, and then said: "It's junior brother, just wait a moment, I'll be fine soon."

Therefore, Xi Shuiling quickly put on her clothes, opened the door, looked at the little junior standing outside, and asked, "Is the matter settled?"

"Yes, Senior Sister, everything is done, we can start tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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