The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1351 Disfigured and Disabled

Chapter 1351 Disfigured and disabled ([-])

"Okay, thank you for your hard work."

While Xi Shuiling thanked, a sinister light flashed quickly in his eyes.

Now things are ready for evening.

At that time, she would like to see if Ye Huang can escape this disaster again, and see if she has always been so lucky.

"Senior sister, I don't have to work hard. I am very happy to help you."

"Thank you, Junior Brother, let's go back to rest first. I'll look for you in the evening." Xi Shuiling thanked again, and then let Junior Brother go back to rest.

And she herself just went to see what the little junior brother brought back.

These things were specially used by her to deal with Yehuang, she was going to see if she missed anything.This time, she did not allow herself to fail, she must succeed and kill Ye Huang.

Shangguan Yuntian soon found out about Xi Shui Ling's secret tricks, but he didn't stop him. Instead, he made people keep an eye on Xi Shui Ling, and prepared to let Xi Shui Ling suffer the consequences as before.

Xi Shuiling didn't know that her plan was leaked again, after checking the things brought back by her junior brother, she went back to the villa proudly.

The night was getting dark, and everyone in Mingyue Villa fell asleep.

At this time, Xi Shui Ling quietly got up from the bed, took her junior brother out of the villa, and headed towards the place where they hid the carriage.

When they arrived at the place, they wrapped the horseshoes in cloth, then drove the carriage to the outside of Mingyue Villa, and slowly transported the contents of the carriage into the villa.

After the two brought the things into the villa, they didn't even need the carriage, and went straight back to the villa, and then sprinkled the things into the yard where Yehuang and the others lived.

After spilling the things, Xi Shui Ling took out the torch and threw it at the things she sprinkled.

A single spark can start a prairie fire.As soon as the Shui Zhezi was thrown down, a fire ignited in an instant.Xi Shuiling stood outside, looked at the burning fire, and smiled triumphantly.

Yehuang, let's see if you can come out alive this time.

When Xi Shui Ling was proud, several figures sprang out of the yard, and it was Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian who flew out of the house with their men.

At the same time, Ming Zhao from the next yard also came out with his guards, then pointed at the smug Xi Shui Ling and ordered, "Arrest her."

How dare you set fire to Mingyue Villa, do you really think that Mingyue Villa is deserted?
The guards took the order, quickly rushed to Xi Shui Ling, and surrounded her.

The complacent Xi Shuiling looked at the people around her and was stunned.She deliberately picked such a time, because she didn't want people to find out that she set the fire.

But what happened to the guards surrounding her now?Didn't she let someone drug her food?How come they weren't stunned?

It turned out that before dinner at night, Xi Shuiling went to the big kitchen of Mingyue Villa on purpose, and put drug in the meal, in order to make it easier for her to do things at night.

But she didn't expect that not only Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian's people were not drugged, but Ming Zhao and his subordinates were also not.

Now, she was surrounded by Mingzhao's people, that is, the guards of Mingyue Villa. When she was exposed, the plan failed again.

"Yehuang, it's you, you gave them the antidote, didn't you?" Xi Shuiling yelled at Yehuang while avoiding the guards' arrest.

When Shangguan Yuntian heard Xi Shuiling's words, the people who looked at Mingzhao didn't catch him for a long time, his face sank, and he ordered Qin Chao: "Go and help."


As the sound fell, Qin Chao rushed towards Xi Shui Ling with two of his men.

 The fourth watch is over!Ranran's new book "Ace Military Marriage: Chief, let's pamper you wantonly! "

(End of this chapter)

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