The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1358 The Conference Ends

Chapter 1358 The End of the Conference ([-])

After seeing off the distraught head of the district, Ming Zhao couldn't help feeling emotional again.

You can't die if you don't work, as expected.

In the past, Mingyuehuan was like this, and Xishuiling was like this. It seems that God is fair.

Compared to the lifelessness of the Hengshan faction, the other parts of the villa are extremely lively, because today is the last day of the conference, and after the inauguration ceremony of the martial arts leader is held, there will be a reunion dinner before everyone can leave.

So, after breakfast, the people in the villa began to arrange the inauguration ceremony.

Originally, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian planned to leave after breakfast, but they couldn't hold back Mingzhao's repeated attempts to persuade him to stay, and finally agreed to him to stay and leave after the ceremony.

It was about ten o'clock in the morning in modern times, and the grand ceremony finally started. After the host came to the stage and said a few words, he invited the martial arts leader to come on stage.

Since the other party was the leader of the martial arts for two consecutive terms, there was no handover ceremony, only a few words, and the development plan for the future martial arts.

After speaking, the next step is to perform.

Yehuang was interested at first, but she almost dozed off later.Shangguan Yuntian looked at her like this a little funny, said that she was the one who was going to participate in the martial arts conference, and she was also the one who lacked interest in the first place.

Seeing that she couldn't hold on any longer, Shangguan Yuntian didn't care about the crowds present, so he just hugged her and went back.

Back to their temporary living place, the carriage and everything are ready.Shangguan Yuntian sent someone to speak to Ming Zhao, and then he got into the carriage and went back to Jiangcheng.

Back in the courtyard where Jiang Cheng lived, Ye Huang still slept soundly and did not wake up.

Shangguan Yuntian asked Qin Chao to drive the carriage directly to the door of their room, and then went back to the room with Yehuang in his arms.

It was already an hour later when Yehuang woke up.

At this time, Shangguan Yuntian was already dealing with official business and scheduled return trips.

After waking up, when Ye Huang heard that Shangguan Yuntian was dealing with matters in the study, she didn't bother him, but went to find her master Murong Jue.

Murong Jue didn't go out today, it seems that Yehuang was a little surprised to come to him, and asked: "Girl, why are you here?"

"Come and see you." Ye Huang smiled and sat down beside Murong Jue.

"Isn't the martial arts conference over yet? Why did you come back?" Murong Jue asked with a smile.

"It's not interesting." Yehuang's lack of interest made Murong Jue couldn't help laughing, and joked: "I didn't know who it was before, so I had to come to the martial arts conference. Now you know it's not fun, right? "

"Master, look at what you said. I haven't seen it before, so I'm curious." Yehuang was a little speechless. Didn't she see some martial arts conference in the novel before, and said it was very lively, so she wanted to see it?
If she had known that the martial arts conference was not going well, she wouldn't have come all the way here.

"Now that I've seen it, are you planning to go back?" Murong Jue looked at Yehuang who was acting like a baby to him, his face was full of pampering.

If it wasn't for Yehuang and the others to finish watching the martial arts conference, he would have left long ago.

"Yeah, Yuntian is already making arrangements, and I think he can go back in a few days." Speaking of which, Yehuang also felt a little homesick.After being away for so many months, she misses her grandfather and brother a little.

Murong Jue nodded, and said to Ye Huang: "Since this is the case, then take some time to buy some local products and bring them back. You can't take any presents with you when you go out for a long trip."

(End of this chapter)

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