The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1359 The Conference Ends

Chapter 1359 The End of the Conference ([-])

"Okay, Master seems to be quite familiar with this Jiangcheng, why don't you go shopping with me tomorrow." Yehuang suggested with a smile.If she remembers correctly, the two master and apprentice have never gone shopping together in the past few years.

"Girl, you can do it. Don't mess with my old bones anymore, let Yun Tian accompany you to go shopping." Murong Jue looked respectful and insensitive, he didn't like shopping or anything at all.

After Yehuang heard this, she blinked at Murong Jue and asked, "Master, are you sure?"

For some reason, Murong Jue felt that Yehuang's words had a lot of meaning, so he asked curiously: "Why, what other intentions does the girl have?"

"Master, what do you think?" Ye Huang deliberately played tricks, she actually wanted to ask Murong Jue to go out for a stroll and have dinner or something.

After all, they haven't had much dinner together since they came here.

"Girl, tell me what's the matter?" Murong Jue was a little anxious, and couldn't help urging him.

"Actually, it's nothing. I just wanted to come here. We haven't eaten together very much. I want to invite Master to have a delicious meal outside."

After finishing speaking, Ye Huang looked at Murong Jue with some regret, and said, "But since Master won't go, then we can only let it go."

"Go, go, go, why don't you go?" Murong was in a hurry, afraid that Yehuang would really regret it, he said quickly: "You said earlier that you should go and eat delicious food for the teacher?"

"But I have to go shopping first and then eat? And Master looked like someone who doesn't want to go shopping." Ye Huang pretended to be very distressed.

"What's the matter, you go shopping in your street, and wait for the teacher to eat." Murong Jue waved his hand, and quickly thought of an idea.

Ye Huang looked at him, a little speechless, and said, "Master, how long do you want to wait for us?"

"It doesn't matter." Murong Jue waved his hand, he didn't care at all, for food, he also went all out. .

After hearing Murong Jue's words, Ye Huang was speechless, stared at him for a long time, finally lost the battle, and said: "All right, you are the master, you have the final say."

Murong Jue became happy, looked at Ye Huang and asked eagerly: "Girl, where are you going to invite me to dinner?"

"Where does Master want to eat?" Yehuang asked.

"Of course it's Jiangcheng Restaurant. You don't know, the taste of the food there is really delicious. I ate there last time, and now thinking about it, I can't help but salivate."

"Okay, then Jiangcheng Restaurant." Yehuang also had a deep memory of the food there, and nodded in agreement.

"Girl is so nice!" Seeing that Ye Huang agreed, Murong Jue was happy, so he praised her, making Ye Huang a little dumbfounded.

After talking about the meal, the master and apprentice talked about what happened in the martial arts conference, and they didn't leave until Shangguan Yuntian came to look for it.

Back at her place of residence, as soon as Yehuang told Shangguan Yuntian about her thoughts, he immediately agreed, and proposed to call Fengyun Sanshao and Nangong Yu as well.

Yehuang didn't have any objections, she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

So, during lunch, Ye Huang told the two of them about going shopping and eating out the next day.

Third Young Master Fengyun and Nangong Yu were very happy to hear that, and agreed immediately.

After breakfast the next day, several carriages drove out of the courtyard and headed for the street.

On the street, the group abandoned the carriage and walked, but met an acquaintance instead.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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