The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1360 The Conference Ends

Chapter 1360 The Conference Ends ([-])

"Why are you here?" Looking at the Feng Hua Xue Yue four people standing in front of her, Ye Huang asked with a smile.She was happy to see them on the street.

Before, she never thought that she would run into Fenghuaxueyue four people on this street. She thought they were still in Mingyue Villa at this time.

"Master, why don't you call us when you go shopping?" Yeyue looked at Yehuang sadly, like the little daughter-in-law who had been abandoned.

"I thought you were still at Mingyue Villa."

"How is it possible? The sect masters are not staying there anymore, what are we still doing there? And this martial arts conference is not interesting, except for watching other people's competitions, eating and drinking, we have long been bored with idleness. If we had known it would be so boring, we I won't go." Ye Xue couldn't help complaining when she heard Yehuang mention Mingyue Villa, she used to think that the martial arts conference was fun, but she didn't want to be disappointed after watching it.

Ye Huang smiled, she felt the same way as Ye Xue.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at the few people who didn't intend to leave after chatting with the sky, coughed lightly, and reminded: "Huang'er, it's getting late, let's go shopping first, so that master and the old man won't wait for a long time."

"That's right." Yehuang nodded, looked at Fenghua Xueyue and the others and asked, "What about you, do you want to go shopping with us?"

"Of course." Ye Xue replied without thinking.Speaking of which, she hasn't been shopping with Yehuang for a long time. As the only woman among the four pavilion masters, she has no scruples about doing anything with Yehuang.

"what about you?"

"Of course we're going to be together too." Yeyue and the others nodded together, and then walked around the street with Yehuang and the others.

Originally, these days because of the martial arts conference, Jiangcheng is relatively lively, and there are many people. Hawkers and stalls can be seen everywhere, and all kinds of gadgets, food and so on are all over the streets.

Ye Xue, who is a foodie, took Ye Huang to play and eat all the way, and they were already full before they went shopping on a street.

In the end, she couldn't eat any more, so Ye Xue had to pack a little of everything and prepare to take it home to eat.

Fortunately, Qin Chao and others followed, and they did all the hard work of lifting things.

A group of people strolled around for most of the morning and bought a lot of things, but were sent back to the small courtyard by Qin Chao and his brothers.

A group of empty-handed people found a teahouse to drink tea for a while, seeing that the time was almost up, they went to meet Murong Jue.

In the morning, Murong Jue went out after Yehuang and the others, and went straight to the Jiangcheng Restaurant as soon as they left.After entering the restaurant, he directly ordered all the restaurant's signature dishes, and then waited for Ye Huang and the others to go and serve them.

So, when he saw Ye Huang and others coming, he immediately called Xiao Er and asked him to serve the food.

Fortunately, the dishes have already been prepared, and they can be served directly.

It's just that when Murong Jue saw that Feng Hua Xue Yue had been added, he asked someone to add some dishes.

Fortunately, the private room that Murong Jue found was big enough, otherwise it really wouldn't be able to seat so many people.

When there are many people eating, it will be lively, and there are not so many rules on the dining table. In addition, the food tastes good, and it is almost sold out.

The last bite of food was snatched by Yeyue's chopsticks, which made Murong Jue very annoyed, staring at him and saying: "Stinky boy, do you know how to respect the old and love the young?"

Hearing this, Yeyue was immediately unhappy, and said: "Old master, you are so embarrassed to say that almost all of these dishes have entered your stomach, and I only took a few bites of the last bite, so you can eat it." Tell me, how wronged I am."

(End of this chapter)

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