The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1384 Birthday Banquet

Chapter 1384 Birthday Banquet ([-])

When Shangguan Yuntian waited for a long time without waiting for Yehuang's response, and went to look at her face, he realized that she had already fallen asleep.

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at his body, took a deep breath, and suppressed his eager thoughts.Then, close your eyes and go to sleep.

Well, for the sake of the little one, he endured it.

Ye Huang slept so deeply and comfortably that Shangguan Yun didn't even know he was going to bed.But Shangguan Yuntian didn't sleep well all night.

However, fortunately, he has always had a cold face, so others can't tell that he is in a bad mood.

Ye Huang fell asleep until mid-morning, Shangguan Yuntian came back early, and was already dealing with business in the study.When he heard that Ye Huang had woken up, he immediately put down what he was doing and went to see her in the room.

When he saw that Yehuang was still sleepy even though he woke up, he felt distressed and said, "Huang'er, I'll have someone bring breakfast to the room. You can sleep after eating."

Yehuang didn't want to get up, so when she heard this, she nodded and fell back on the bed.

Shangguan Yuntian left the room, ordered Dong and Xia to bring breakfast to the room, and then fed it to Ye Huang bit by bit. After watching her fall asleep, he went back to the study to deal with matters.

After Shangguan Yuntian left, Nangong Yu came again.She looked at Yehuang who was asleep, and didn't disturb her.Instead, he sat aside and watched her wake up while doing embroidery work.

Speaking of which, she hasn't done this embroidery work for many years, and it's a little rusty.Fortunately, she soon found the feeling, so she decided to make some small belly, small clothes, small shoes and so on for the unborn baby.

Yehuang had eaten breakfast and slept again, only then was she fully awake.When she opened her eyes and saw Nangong Yu sitting beside the screen busy with embroidery, she thought she had gone to the wrong room.

Generally speaking, without the consent of the two of them, even maids are not allowed to enter their room, but I don't think that Nangong Yu would sit here and do embroidery work, it must be Shangguan Yuntian who asked her to come.

"Aunt!" Ye Huang sat up on the bed and called out to Nangong Yu.

Hearing her shout, Nangong Yu immediately put down what she was doing, and looked up at Yehuang. When she saw Yehuang sitting on the bed and looking at her, she smiled and said: "Huang'er, are you awake?"

"Auntie, what time is it?" Yehuang asked while putting on her clothes.

"It's time for lunch in two quarters of an hour." Nangong Yu replied with a smile, and then stepped forward to help Ye Huang get dressed, but Ye Huang refused.She was just pregnant, but it wasn't so exaggerated that she couldn't even wear clothes.

Nangong said that he didn't say anything when he saw Yehuang insisting, but turned around and left the room, ordering Dong and Xia, who were guarding outside, to come in with water for washing and grooming.

Hearing Nangong Yu's order, the two quickly brought warm water for Ye Huang to wash and comb.

After washing her face, Yehuang's spirit improved a lot, and then she took Nangong Yu to the flower hall.

As soon as the two arrived at the flower hall, Shangguan Yuntian also walked in. Seeing Yehuang, his eyes were full of tenderness, he stepped forward and hugged her in his arms, and asked: "Huang'er, how are you? Feeling tired?"

"It's okay!" Yehuang smiled and shook her head, thinking that Nangong Yu was still there, struggling to get off Shangguan Yuntian's body.

But they didn't know that at the moment Shangguan Yuntian entered, Nangong Yu had already retreated, leaving space for them.

"Don't move, let me give you a good hug." Shangguan Yuntian said in a low voice, the nostalgia in his eyes made Ye Huang startled, and looked up at him.

 Thanks to 134****4212 for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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