The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1385 Birthday Banquet

Chapter 1385 Birthday Banquet ([-])

Today's Shangguan Yuntian is a little abnormal, why is that?

Could it be because I failed to satisfy him last night?Thinking of this, Yehuang couldn't help but frowned.

"Don't think about it, I just miss you." Shangguan Yuntian whispered as if he knew what Yehuang was thinking.

Although he was a little depressed because he couldn't make out with Yehuang last night, it didn't affect him much.He was just worried about Ye Huang.

After all, she has just started to get pregnant, so she is so lethargic, what can she do later?
Shangguan Yuntian hugged Yehuang for a while before letting go of her, and then helped her to sit on a chair to eat.

"Come here!" Shangguan Yuntian yelled, and Dong and Xia, who were guarding outside, immediately walked in, bowed to the two, and said: "Prince, Crown Princess."

"It's ready to serve."


Dong responded, and went out to have people prepare the dishes, while Xia stayed behind to spread the dishes.As for Nangong Yu, she went directly to her yard for dinner.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no major event, only Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang will eat, and the others will eat in their own yards.

After dinner, Shangguan Yuntian accompanied Yehuang for a walk, and then went back to the room to rest.

Time passed quickly, and it was Shangguan Yuntian's birthday in a blink of an eye.On this day, I don't know if it was because of Shangguan Yuntian's birthday, but Yehuang not only woke up early, but was also in good spirits.

Early in the morning, the mansion was bustling with business, draped in red and colorful, the whole mansion soon took on a new look, surrounded by joy, and everyone in the mansion had joyful smiles on their faces.

Shangguan Yuntian still went to court, while Yehuang watched everyone busy, accompanied by Nangong Yu, Dong Hexia.

"Huang'er, the prince has told you that if you are tired, you can go back to your room to rest. Is the housekeeper watching over the affairs of the mansion?" Nangong Yu watched Yehuang walk around and look over there, worried that she would be tired , So he told her what Shangguan Yuntian had confessed before going to court.

"It's okay, I'm in good spirits today." Yehuang smiled and shook her head, then continued to wander around the mansion.

After walking around for a while, Ye Huang felt a little tired, and then went back to her room to rest.She slept like this and slept until lunch.

After lunch, the guests began to visit the door.Because Yehuang was pregnant, the matter of welcoming guests was handed over to the housekeeper and the two nuns sent by the queen mother.

Originally, those two people came to serve Yehuang, but she didn't like many people around her, let alone Nangong Yu, so the two took care of other chores in the mansion.

No, it was Shangguan Yuntian's birthday, and the two of them came in handy to help Yehuang welcome the guests, and they would not humiliate the guests.

People came and went in front of the Prince's Mansion, and the line of carriages was long, making the whole street lively.

This time, it was not only Shangguan Yuntian's birthday, but also helped Ye Su on a blind date, so Yehuang specially posted posts to those ministers who had girls of the right age at home, so that almost every family who came to the banquet brought a girl.

All of a sudden, the Prince's Mansion was full of beauties.

Ye Su also arrived at the Prince's Mansion early to help Shangguan Yuntian entertain the male guests.Together with him, there are three Fengyun young masters, one is a cousin and the other is an elder brother.They are the same as the dragon and the phoenix, each with its own characteristics, and it is a talented person, handsome and extraordinary.

In addition, the ministers secretly knew that the Crown Princess intended to choose a wife for her natal brother at the Crown Prince's birthday banquet, so she became more and more interested in Ye Su and Fengyun Third Young Master.

 Thanks to sha. la. la and JENNY for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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