The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1398 A Chance Encounter on the Street

Chapter 1398 A Chance Encounter on the Street ([-])

Otherwise, there are so many nobles in the capital, what if one day offends the nobles?
"Miss, no, no, Xiaoqing definitely didn't mean that." The maid Xiaoqing immediately panicked when she saw that Bai Luoyu was angry.

"Not the best." Bai Luoyu said lightly, then ignored Xiaoqing, sat in the carriage, frowned slightly, not knowing what to think.

Besides, after Ye Su left the steamed stuffed bun shop, he bought two biscuits on the side of the road and ate them all the way to the military camp.

He didn't pay attention to what happened on the road today.

When they arrived at the barracks, Ye Su trained with everyone, leaving all the troubles of last night behind.

When Bai Luoyu returned to the house, his father and brothers had just finished practicing boxing and were preparing to have breakfast.

The eldest brother Bai Luoheng is a handsome young man, he doesn't look like a warrior, but a scholar.As for the second elder brother Bai Luofei, he has an exaggerated temperament and a dog nose.

No, as soon as I entered the restaurant, I could smell the smell of buns, so I flew directly to the table, reached out and took a bun, and ate it.

"It's delicious, it's delicious, my sister must have gone out to buy this again." Bai Luofei ate the buns while looking for Bai Luoyu's figure.

At this time, Bai Luoyu just helped Mrs. Bai bring out the porridge. Seeing Bai Luofei's appearance, she was no longer surprised, but she couldn't help but said: "Second brother, why are you stealing food again, wash your hands No?"

"It's washed, it must be washed." Bai Luofei said while picking up another bun and eating it.Fortunately, Bai Luoyu bought a lot of buns, otherwise there wouldn't be enough for him to eat like this.

While the siblings were talking, father Bai Feihu and elder brother Bai Luoheng walked in.Bai Luoheng glanced at Bai Luofei who kept chewing, and knew that he had eaten it.

So, he stepped forward directly, grabbed Bai Luofei's ear, and said, "How many times have I told you that you can't eat until your parents move the chopsticks, why can't you remember?"

"Brother, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, I remember. I won't dare to do it again next time, let go, let go quickly." Bai Luofei wailed, begging Bai Luoheng to let go.

"Do you still have a long memory?" Bai Luoheng asked in a cold voice, his younger brother remembers whether to eat or not, every time he sees delicious food, his eyes turn green, and he can't remember what he said at all.

"Long, long, definitely long." The hero didn't suffer from immediate disadvantages, and Bai Luofei dared to resist his elder brother's coercion.

"Next time if you do this again, it won't be as simple as picking your ears." Bai Luoheng warned before letting go of Bai Luofei.

Bai Feihu and Mrs. Bai looked at the two fighting brothers indifferently, sat down calmly, picked up their chopsticks and prepared to eat breakfast.

This kind of drama is performed almost every day in the Bai family, and the husband and wife have long been used to it.

On the dining table of the Bai family, there is no such thing as eating without talking.While eating, Bai Feihu looked at Bai Luofei with disgust, and said, "Luofei, you are the same age as Ye Su, look at him, and then look at you."

Bai Luofei had just eaten a steamed stuffed bun, and when he heard his father's words, his face collapsed and he said, "Father, you don't need to say anything. I already know what you're going to say later. Like a monkey, it's not like Ye Su is a young man who is mature and has made a lot of military achievements at a young age, isn't he?"

After hearing this, Bai Feihu scolded with a smile: "Stinky boy, you know you should learn from others."

"Daddy, don't, I don't want to learn from him. If you really like him, you might as well recruit him as your son-in-law."

(End of this chapter)

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