The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1399 A Chance Encounter on the Street

Chapter 1399 A Chance Encounter on the Street ([-])

"Stinky boy, you think I don't want to. But what is his identity, what is our identity?" Bai Feihu said after looking at his son.

To be honest, he still appreciates Ye Su.In the past, he also wanted to marry the Ye family, but because Ye Su is the elder brother of the crown princess, and he himself is only a fourth-rank general, he was afraid of being rejected, so he suppressed his thoughts.

Until yesterday, at the crown prince's birthday banquet, seeing Ye Su's performance, he thought again.In addition, after hearing Madam Bai say that Yehuang had a good impression of her daughter and didn't look down on her because she was a girl who knew martial arts, she became even more tempted.

It was only later that he heard that several girls from several families had fallen in love with Ye Su, so he became worried again.After all, although Bai Luoyu is a girl, he was raised as a boy most of the time.This caused her to be more refreshing and less gentle.

It's just that he is really optimistic about Ye Su.Thinking that the fat and water would not flow into other people's fields, he secretly suggested to Bai Luofei to get closer to Ye Su.Who knows that this kid can't understand his hidden meaning at all.

But Bai Luoyu understood the meaning of his father's words. Thinking of Ye Su whom he saw in the morning, and thinking of him rejecting the buns he gave him, his eyes darkened, and he said, "Father, second brother is doing well. As for my marriage, Don't worry about it, what's mine will be mine after all, and it's useless not to force me."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone fell silent.Bai Feihu glanced at his daughter and secretly sighed.He likes his daughter's free and easy personality.

However, Ye Su is really a good candidate.And the general's mansion has a good tradition, that is, not to take concubines.As a father, he wants his daughter to be happy.

I hope that my daughter can be like him and his wife, singing harmoniously, loving husband and wife, and filial children.Live happily ever after, happily.

After hearing Bai Luoyu's words, Bai Luoheng took a deep look at her.He is a careful person, he felt the change in his sister's mood, and planned to ask later to see if something happened.

Otherwise, she probably wouldn't have said such a thing.

Bai Luoheng also admired Ye Su very much.He is quite satisfied with letting him be his brother-in-law.However, the most important thing is to make my sister like it.

After breakfast, Bai Feihu went to the command post. He is now the commander of the patrol battalion in the capital, and he has to take his soldiers around on patrol every day.

Mrs. Bai is in charge of Zhongfu, and there are many things to deal with in the mansion.And Bai Luofei went out to meet friends.

Bai Luoyu watched everyone leave, so he planned to go back to his yard and do some embroidery.

However, as soon as she left the restaurant, Bai Luoheng stopped her and said, "Sister, go sit with brother."

Bai Luoyu glanced at his elder brother, knowing that he had something to say to him, so he nodded with a smile.

The two arrived at Bai Luoheng's courtyard, and after serving tea, they sat down directly under the big tree in the courtyard.

"Brother, what do you want to tell me?" Bai Luoyu poured a cup of tea for each of them, then looked at his elder brother with a smile.

"Sister, what do you think of Ye Su?" Bai Luoheng asked straight to the point.

Bai Luoyu was taken aback when he heard the words, looked at his elder brother, and asked, "Brother, why did you suddenly ask this?"

Bai Luoheng looked at Bai Luoyu seriously, and said, "Sister, brother wishes you happiness. Although we all appreciate Ye Su, if you don't like it, we won't force you. Of course, if you like it, Then what the elder brother says will make your wish come true."

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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