The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1400 A Chance Encounter on the Street

Chapter 1400 A Chance Encounter on the Street ([-])

"Brother, what's wrong with you today?" Bai Luoyu looked at his serious brother, laughed, and said, "I have a crush on Ye Su, but that's because you keep telling me how good he is. It made me curious and fond of him. But it didn't reach the point where he was the only one not to marry."

"Really?" Bai Luoheng looked at his sister suspiciously, he felt that there must be something else that he didn't know.

However, if Bai Luoyu didn't say anything, he couldn't ask further questions.

"It's more real than pearls." The smile on Bai Luoyu's face deepened a little. She was really happy for her brother's care and support.

She knew that at home, both her parents and her elder brother were dedicated to her.It's just that some things really can't be forced, and she won't force it, so let everything go as it pleases.In this way, you can live a happier life and be happier.

"Okay, big brother will believe your words for now. However, if you change your mind one day, remember to tell big brother, big brother will help you decide."

"Okay, thank you, big brother." Bai Luoyu stood up and blessed Bai Luoheng with a grateful face.

It was her blessing to be born in the Bai family. She had a pair of loving and open-minded parents, and an elder brother who loved her.

When the Bai family was talking about Bai Luoyu's marriage, Yehuang was also talking to Shangguan Yuntian about his views on those beauties yesterday.

"Yuntian, I have selected a few suitable girls for my eldest brother, how about you help me refer to them?"

"Really? Tell me, which ones are there?" Shangguan Yuntian looked interested, and he wanted to see what families Yehuang had chosen.

"Du Qingqiu, a girl from Du Shilang's family, Bai Luoyu from Bai Xunjian's family, and Feng Ruyu from Feng Taifu's family."

"These families are pretty good, with a good family tradition." Shangguan Yuntian said very pertinently, although he didn't know those girls well, but he knew these courtiers somewhat.

"You think it's good too, don't you? However, I don't know which girl the eldest brother will choose. I prefer Miss Bai's family. She has a refreshing atmosphere and looks good in body."

"Huang'er, since you have already chosen someone, I will leave the rest to the eldest brother. After all, he is the one who gets married, so he has to marry someone he likes, not someone you like."

"I see."

"I'm going to be busy, remember to rest more and don't worry too much." Shangguan Yuntian reminded, got up and left the mansion to enter the palace.

In fact, he really wanted to spend more time with Yehuang, but unfortunately there were too many things in court, and the emperor deliberately left things to him, that's why he was so busy.

After all, he is the prince now, and it is only right and proper for the emperor to leave things to him.

After Shangguan Yuntian left, Yehuang thought about everything and decided to go for a walk.For more than half a month, because of Shangguan Yuntian's birthday, she didn't go out for a walk or anything. It just so happened that the weather was fine today, so she went out for a walk and went to see Master by the way.

So, Ye Huang took Dong He Xia and Nan Gong Yu and went out directly to the bustling street in the city.

A group of four, first went to the shop, then went to the tea house to sit, seeing that it was getting late, and then prepared to go to see Murong Jue.

Unexpectedly, when they arrived at the courtyard where Murong Jue lived, they realized that Murong Jue had gone to the gate of hell.So, Yehuang went to the ghost gate again.

At this time, Ghost Gate, Yeyue just received the news from Xishui Kingdom, Xishui Emperor offered a high price, asking him to go out of the mountain to treat Xishuiling's wounds.

After reading the news, Yeyue wrote a reply letter, telling Emperor Xishui that there was nothing he could do about Xishuiling's injury.

(End of this chapter)

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