The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1401 Heroes Save Beauty

Chapter 1401 The Hero Saves the Beauty ([-])

Yeyue is very clear about how the injuries on Xi Shuiling's body came about.A woman who wanted to plot against her master and rob her of her man, not to mention that he couldn't cure her, even if she could, he wouldn't help her to heal her wounds.

After finishing writing the letter, Yeyue turned around and went to find Murong Jue.Because Ye Huang was pregnant, Murong Jue, who had long been the shopkeeper, had to take over the things that originally belonged to Ye Huang.

Like Ye Feng, he was extremely looking forward to Ye Huang's birth, and hoped that Ye Huang would give birth to a grandson for him to play with.

When Yeyue arrived at the conference hall, all three of Feng Huaxue were there.They stayed in the capital during this time and did not go out to inspect the places. One was because the headquarters of the ghost gate was here, and the other was because Yehuang was pregnant and they wanted to stay and protect her.

Although there are many people in the Prince's Mansion protecting Yehuang, Yehuang is their master, and it is their duty to protect her.

"Have you finished writing the reply letter?" Murong Jue asked with a glance at Yeyue.

"Yes, old sect master." Yeyue nodded and sat down on the empty seat.

"I asked you to come here today to discuss how to distribute the affairs of the ghost gate during Huang'er's pregnancy." Murong Jue glanced at several people and said.

Before, with Yehuang at the helm, the ghost gate developed greatly, not only in Dazhao, but also in several other countries.

Now that Yehuang is pregnant, she doesn't have so much energy to take care of the affairs of the ghost gate, but the ghost gate cannot stand still and needs to develop, which depends on the four of them.

Several people were discussing, a brother hurried over and interrupted: "Old sect master, several pavilion masters, the young master came from the sect."

"Huang'er is here? I'll go and have a look." When Murong Jue heard that Yehuang was coming, he left Feng Hua Xue Yue and the others and ran away.

Fenghuaxueyue looked at the master who could not be seen in a blink of an eye, looked at each other, and then carried out lightness skills one by one, and headed towards the gate.

"Huang'er, why are you here?" Murong Jue stopped in front of Yehuang, looked at her and frowned and asked.She is pregnant now and needs to rest more instead of running around.

"There's nothing wrong with the manor, I'll come and see you." Ye Huang smiled at Murong Jue, and looked at the four of them who came after them.

It's good that they are still in the capital.She can also relax a bit, and don't have to work hard for the ghost gate every day.

To be honest, Yehuang's favorite thing to do is to be the shopkeeper, they wouldn't let her be in the past.Now, with one in her belly, she just had an excuse.

Now let's see if these four guys dare to walk away.If they still want to go, he has to consider a substitution.

But Yehuang believed that they were not such people.

"Go, go in and sit down, don't stand here, so as not to get tired." Murong Jue said, and took the lead towards the hall.

In everyone, someone has already put tea and cakes on the table.

Murong Jue sat down first, followed by Yehuang, Dong and Xia stood behind her, and Nangong Yu sat on her lower head.

As soon as she sat down, Feng Hua Xue Yue stepped forward to greet her.

"I'm just here to see you, everyone, please sit down." Ye Huang waved her hands and asked everyone to sit down, then turned to look at Murong Jue, and said, "Master, why did you come to the gate of hell today? It caused me to rush to the place where you live."

Hearing this, Murong put on a straight face, pretending to be angry and said: "You girl, it's not because of you, otherwise my old bones have gone to other places to enjoy themselves, and I will stay here?"

(End of this chapter)

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