The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1405 Heroes Save Beauty

Chapter 1405 The Hero Saves the Beauty ([-])

Shangguan Yuntian almost ran out of food because he was serving Yehuang for dinner at the beginning, but luckily Yehuang helped him grab some.

After the meal, Murong Jue and Fenghua Xueyue were still full of ideas. Murong Jue said to Yehuang specifically: "Huang'er, Mrs. Nangong's craftsmanship is too good. How about I find some people to learn from her?"

"You have to ask her about this." Ye Huang did not directly agree, she would not help Nangong Yu make a decision.She is her aunt, not a slave.

"Okay, I'll ask her right now." After Yeyue finished speaking, she went directly to find Nangong Yu.

After eating, Yehuang took a rest for a while, and went back to the Prince's Mansion with Shangguan Yuntian.

Outside the city, on Zhuangzi, Fengyun Sanshao had lunch and decided to relax, so he planned to go for a walk on the mountain behind Zhuangzi.

The air on the mountain is very good, and the mountain wind blows on the face, which is very comfortable.So, Third Young Master Fengyun found a taller tree, flew up to lean on the trunk, closed his eyes and meditated.

I don't know if it was too comfortable, but I fell asleep without knowing it.Fortunately, the big tree he was looking for was tall and big, and the leaves were still so dense that wild animals couldn't climb it at all.

In a daze, he suddenly heard a cry for help.So, he opened his eyes suddenly, and listened intently.

After listening for a while, he had already judged the source of the sound, so with the idea of ​​saving someone's life and building a seven-level pagoda, he moved towards the direction of the sound with lightness kung fu.

When he found the place, he saw that the two girls were blocked by a wild boar, and they were so frightened that they didn't know what to do.

Obviously, they were also the ones who shouted for help just now.It's just that there are usually no people on this mountain, so they shouted for a long time, but they didn't see anyone coming to rescue them.

Seeing the wild boar getting closer, Du Qingqiu and the maid Ru'er turned pale with fright, their feet seemed to have taken root, and they couldn't even move.

At this time, she regretted so much that she would not have been angry with her mother if she had known earlier.

Now it's all right, she ran to this mountain in a fit of anger, but encountered a wild beast, what should she do?What if I was eaten by this beast?
"Miss, what should I do?" Ru'er looked at the wild boar that was staring at them, she was terrified, but she still stood in front of Du Qingqiu.

"I, I don't know either." Du Qingqiu's voice was trembling, let alone his body, which was trembling non-stop.

But at this time, the wild boar didn't know if it had been waiting for too long, it had already lost patience, and attacked the two of them.

Seeing the wild boar rushing towards them, Du Qingqiu and the maid Xiaoru covered their faces with their hands, and screamed.


The screams of the two were a bit miserable, and Third Young Master Fengyun frowned slightly, and then said lightly: "Stop shouting, the wild boar is dead."

Du Qingqiu and Ru'er originally thought they were going to die, but after waiting for a long time, no pain came from their bodies.Just when he was wondering, he heard Third Young Master Fengyun's voice, so he slowly let go of his hand and glanced through his fingers.

They were stunned when they saw the beast lying on the ground with a handsome man standing beside it.

After a long time, the two came back to their senses, looked at Fengyun Third Young Master and asked stutteringly, "Yes, you saved us."

Third Young Master Fengyun nodded lightly, and then said to the two of them: "You two girls should go home earlier, this mountain is not where you should come."

After finishing speaking, Third Young Master Fengyun was about to leave with the wild boar, but Du Qingqiu suddenly said, "My lord, wait a minute."

(End of this chapter)

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