The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1406 The Secret Love

Chapter 1406 Love is born in secret ([-])

"What's the matter?" Third Young Master Fengyun stopped in his tracks, looked at Du Qingqiu, and asked indifferently.He doesn't like dealing with girls very much and finds it troublesome.

Although he saved Du Qingqiu and her maid, he didn't intend to have too much interaction with them.He was afraid that it would ruin the other party's reputation.

"Thank you for saving my life, son. My name is Du Qingqiu. I don't know your name." Du Qingqiu had a good impression of this son who fell from the sky and saved him, so he couldn't help but tell him his name.

Hearing Du Qingqiu's name, Third Young Master Fengyun was slightly taken aback.He felt as if he had heard the name somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

Unable to remember, he didn't get too entangled. Instead, he glanced at Du Qingqiu lightly and said, "It turns out to be Miss Du. Be polite to Fengyun Third Young Master."

"Third Young Master Fengyun?" Du Qingqiu's face changed when he heard the name.After returning from attending the prince's birthday banquet yesterday, she heard her father mention this name and knew that he was the prince's cousin.

"Exactly, I know you girl?" Seeing Du Qingqiu's reaction, Feng Yun San Shao was a little surprised.Unexpectedly, this girl actually knew him.

"I heard my father mentioned son." Du Qingqiu withdrew his thoughts and said with a smile.

"Oh, I don't know who Lingtang is?"

"My father's minister of rites, Du Zhongming."

"It turns out that the girl is the daughter of Master Du's family."

At this time, Ru'er on the side interjected, "Young Master Fengyun, we live in the village at the foot of the mountain. I don't know why the young master is on the mountain?"

"Coincidentally, I also live at the foot of the mountain. Since that's the case, why don't I send you back home?"

"Then thank you, Young Master." Du Qingqiu was overjoyed when she heard the words, she stopped Third Young Master Fengyun not only to thank him, but also because she wanted him to send them down the mountain.

What happened just now frightened them, for fear that they would encounter some wild beast again.

"Let's go." Fengyun Third Young Master carried the wild boar and walked ahead, keeping a certain distance from Du Qingqiu's master and servant.

Du Qingqiu looked at Fengyun Third Young Master who was walking in front, and suddenly felt that his figure was extremely tall, and a strange feeling rose in his heart.

Ru'er is also quietly looking at Fengyun Third Young Master, and the more she looks at her, the more she feels that she is compatible with her family's young lady.To be honest, she didn't want her young lady to marry Ye Su.Ru'er felt that although Ye Su was good-looking and the eldest brother of the princess, it was a pity that he was a warrior.

She felt that warriors were often rough and uncouth, and felt that her young lady would be wronged if she married Ye Su.

Third Young Master Fengyun walked unhurriedly, always keeping the same distance from the two behind him.Although he didn't look back, when Du Qingqiu's master and servant fell behind, he would stop and wait.

When they catch up, they will pick up their pace again.

Compared with going up the mountain, going down the mountain is much faster.When Du Qingqiu and the others were approaching the Zhuangzi, they happened to meet a group of servants who were looking for someone.

They saw that Du Qingqiu, master and servant, were safe, so they were relieved.

"Miss, you are back, Madam is dying of anxiety." Zhuangzi's butler walked up to Du Qingqiu and said anxiously.

"I see, I'm going to see my mother now." Du Qingqiu said while looking for the figure of Third Young Master Fengyun.

It's a pity that she couldn't find anyone after searching for a few times, and she couldn't help but feel lost.She also wanted to invite him to sit in the Zhuangzi, so that her mother could thank him well.

No, Third Young Master Fengyun left without saying a word, without even saying hello to her, which made Du Qingqiu feel a bitter taste in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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