The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1407 The Secret Love

Chapter 1407 Love is born secretly ([-])

Seeing Du Qingqiu's absent-minded look, the housekeeper in Zhuangzi was a little worried, and couldn't help asking: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Du Qingqiu shook his head lightly, looked away and said to the butler, "Let's go, let's go back, so that mother won't have to wait."

As soon as he returned to the Zhuangzi, Du Qingqiu really looked at his mother who was walking back and forth in the yard.It could be seen that her mother was really worried about her.

Du Qingqiu couldn't help but feel a little guilty when he thought about how he had quarreled with his mother and went up the mountain in anger.

"Mother!" She walked up to Mrs. Du, shouted, then knelt down directly, and said, "Mother, I'm sorry, my daughter is wrong."

Madam Du originally wanted to reprimand her daughter, but when she saw her daughter kneeling in front of her with a remorseful expression, she couldn't say a word of reprimand.

After a while, she said, "Get up."

Du Qingqiu stood up, looked at Mrs. Du and said sincerely: "Mother, my daughter knows she was wrong, and she will never be willful again."

Hearing this, Madam Du's eyes flickered, and she directly told her that something must have happened, otherwise Du Qingqiu would not have said such a thing.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, as expected.

In view of her concern for her daughter, Madam Du couldn't help asking: "Qingqiu, where did you go before?"

"Mother, daughter and Ru'er went up the mountain."

When Mrs. Du heard that Du Qingqiu's master and servant had gone up the mountain, her expression changed, and she said, "You child, why did you go up the mountain? Don't you know that there are wild beasts on this mountain?"

"Mother, I'm sorry." Du Qingqiu lowered his head, looking guilty.

Seeing that she was out of breath, Mrs. Du turned to look at Ru'er and asked, "Ru'er, tell me, did something happen to you on the mountain?"

"No, no." Ru'er's face changed, and she denied it.But who is Mrs. Du, who has been in charge of the back house for more than ten years, how can she fail to see that Ru'er is lying, so her face darkened and said: "Ru'er, if you haven't recruited from the truth, could it be that you want my wife to use family law?"

When Du Qingqiu heard this, he became anxious immediately, and said, "Mother, it's none of Ru'er's business, it's my daughter who is going to the mountain by herself."

"Even if you are going, so what? As your maid, she not only did not persuade you, but went with you to such a dangerous place, what if something happens? As a maid, she is not doing her duty, Shouldn't I punish her?"

"Ma'am, Ru'er knows I'm wrong." Ru'er knelt down, looked at Du Qingqiu, and said, "It's all Ru'er's fault, and it has nothing to do with Miss. Madam, please don't blame Miss."

"Tell me, what happened? How did you come back?" Madam Du asked with a cold face.

"Mother, let Ru'er get up, I'll just say that's it." Du Qingqiu looked at Ru'er with some distress. Although she was her maidservant, she grew up with her since she was a child, and her affection was naturally extraordinary.Just as Ru'er didn't want to see her being punished, she also didn't want to see Ru'er suffer.

"Speak!" Mrs. Du didn't let Ru'er get up, but looked at Du Qingqiu with a serious face.

Du Qingqiu had no choice but to tell about the fact that he and Ru'er went up the mountain and encountered a wild beast, and were rescued by Fengyun Third Young Master.

"What did you say? Master Fengyun saved you? Why is he here?" Mrs. Du's face changed slightly. They came to this villa on a whim because she was not in good health and planned to stay in the village for a while.

But, how could this Fengyun Third Young Master come?Could it be that he followed them?

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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