The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1409 The Secret Love

Chapter 1409 Love Is Secretly Born ([-])

"Mrs. Du? That Mrs. Du?" Third Young Master Fengyun frowned and asked in puzzlement.He doesn't seem to know Mrs. Du, how could she come?

When he was puzzled, the manager explained, "It's the wife of Lord Du, Minister of Rites."

Hearing this, Third Young Master Fengyun remembered that the girl he rescued in the afternoon seemed to be also named Du.I already understood in my heart why the other party came.

"Let's go!" Third Young Master Fengyun stood up and went to the reception hall.In the living room, Madam Du was sitting on a chair, drinking tea while looking at the furnishings in the room.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps came that she looked away, put down the teacup, and looked towards the door.

I saw a young man walking in. He was slender and personable, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, holding a faint smile, giving a warm and jade-like feeling at first glance.

"I've seen Mrs. Du." Third Young Master Fengyun entered the living room, cupped his hands towards Mrs. Du, then sat down on the main seat, and then asked, "I don't know what's important for Madam to find me?"

"You are Mr. Fengyun?" Mrs. Du asked after taking a look at Third Young Master Fengyun.

"The next one is Fengyun Third Young Master."

"I heard that you saved my daughter and her maid today?"

"It's nothing to do with a little effort." Third Young Master Fengyun replied flatly, without any intention of taking credit for it.

For him, saving Du Qingqiu and her maid was really a matter of little effort, so he didn't take it to heart at all.If Mrs. Du hadn't come, he would have forgotten about it.

Madam Du saw that Feng Yun San Shao did not take credit for it, and was somewhat satisfied with him.In addition, he looks talented, so he is quite satisfied.It's just that his origin is unclear, and it is said that he only has a mother and no family, which makes Mrs. Du feel a little pity.

Otherwise, it would be good for her daughter to marry Fengyun Third Young Master.

"Mr. Fengyun is humble. They say that the kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. Besides, it is the kindness of saving a life. Today, my wife came here to thank you on behalf of my daughter. This is a small gift, so please accept it."

Madam Du said politely, and motioned to the nurse beside her to present the gift.

"Young Master Fengyun, please accept it with a smile." Nanny handed the things to Third Young Master Fengyun. He glanced at it lightly, and then signaled the manager to take it away.

In fact, he didn't want to accept the gift from Mrs. Du, but if he didn't accept it, he was afraid that the other party would think too much and think he wanted more.In order not to cause misunderstanding and unnecessary trouble, Fengyun Third Young Master accepted it.

Madam Du finally felt relieved when she saw Third Young Master Fengyun accept the gift.She was worried that Feng Yun San Shao would not accept him, so she had other ideas.

Fortunately, she was too worried and made a false alarm.

After the gift was delivered, Mrs. Du didn't stay long, and left with someone.Of course, when she left, Third Young Master Fengyun also gave her a return gift, twenty catties of wild pork.

On the Zhuangzi of the Du family, since Mrs. Du left, Du Qingqiu has been walking up and down the room, looking at the door from time to time.

"Miss, what's wrong with you today?" Ru'er looked at Du Qingqiu like this, very worried.Her young lady has always been cold and indifferent, and doesn't care much about many things.

But what happened to her today?He looked restless.Could it be that something happened that she didn't know about?

However, Ru'er thought about it again and felt something was wrong.Today she was with Du Qingqiu all the time, except for encountering a wild beast on the mountain, nothing else happened at all.

(End of this chapter)

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