The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1410 The Secret Love

Chapter 1410 Love Is Dark ([-])

"It's okay, go to the door and see if mother is back." Du Qingqiu shook his head and gave instructions.

She would not tell Ru'er that the reason she was uneasy was because she was worried about Fengyun Sanshao.She was afraid that her abnormality today would attract her mother's attention and make things difficult for Third Young Master Fengyun.

"Yes!" Ru'er left the room and went to Mrs. Du's room.

Seeing Ru'er leave, Du Qingqiu sat down on the chair, and involuntarily thought of Fengyun Third Young Master in his mind, and his ears were a little red.

Not long after, Ru'er came back and said to Du Qingqiu: "Miss, Madam hasn't come back yet. Are you looking for Madam to do something? Do you want a servant to guard Madam?"

"No need." Du Qingqiu waved his hand, it seems that things are not as bad as she thought, maybe mother will not do anything to Fengyun Sanshao.

As time passed bit by bit, Du Qingqiu slowly calmed down.She picked up the embroidery on the side and began to embroider.

It didn't take long to embroider, when there was movement in the yard, Du Qingqiu got up and saw that it was his mother who had returned.

Ru'er, who had been guarding outside, also saw Madam Du and her party, so she ran to Du Qingqiu's side and said, "Miss, Madam is back, let's go find her."

Du Qingqiu nodded, put down the things on his hands, and left the room.She really wanted to know about the situation with Third Young Master Fengyun.

"Mother, are you back?" When Du Qingqiu arrived, Mrs. Du had just sat down.

"En." Madam Du nodded, motioned her daughter to sit down, and then said: "I just went to thank Mr. Fengyun on your behalf, and this matter is over, you don't have to keep it in your heart .”

Du Qingqiu's face changed slightly, she knew that her mother was beating her, telling her not to have other thoughts.

"Daughter understands." Du Qingqiu nodded, she understands the orders of parents and the words of matchmakers.

"Go back to the room. If you have nothing to do, practice more. Mother won't keep you for long." Mrs. Du ordered lightly, no matter whether Ye Su's affairs can be accomplished or not, Du Qiuqing should talk about her husband's family.

"Yes, my daughter will leave." Du Qingqiu's eyes dimmed, he kissed Mrs. Du, and left with Ru'er.

Seeing her daughter's appearance, Mrs. Du sighed.No matter from which point of view, she felt that it would be better for Du Qingqiu to marry Ye Su.

However, it seems that the daughter has already had an idea about Fengyun Sanshao.It seems that she has to ask someone to find out the tone of the Crown Princess, and it is best to settle the matter as soon as possible.

At this time, in the prince's mansion, Ye Huang didn't know what happened in the Zhuangzi, and was thinking of taking some time to go back to the general's mansion to see if Ye Su had chosen someone.

The thing she dislikes the most is procrastination. She wants to confirm her brother's marriage as soon as possible, and then she can take good care of the baby and wait for the baby to be born.

So, Yehuang told Shangguan Yuntian about her thoughts, but he didn't want to agree with him after hearing it, and said: "Huang'er, you are too anxious, it's only the second day, she must give elder brother some time, right? "

"Who said I didn't give him time?" Yehuang stared at Shangguan Yuntian displeasedly. The roster given yesterday afternoon has already passed a day and night, plus an afternoon, okay?

"Yes, you gave time, but it's only one day. After only one day, you can ask him to reply to you. Don't you rush? Marriage is a lifelong event, why don't you allow others to think it through?"

"Then tell me, how long is it appropriate to give him?" Yehuang was right after thinking about it, she was indeed too anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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