The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1411 Set a Marriage

Chapter 1411 Marriage Settlement ([-])

"At least three days, at most seven days, if it's too much." Shangguan Yuntian thought for a while and said.In three days, Ye Su should be able to make a choice.

"Okay, listen to you, three days is three days, then I will go to the general's mansion in three days."

"Okay, I will go with you in three days. If the eldest brother is still not selected, then I will directly let the emperor issue an imperial edict."

"Is this okay?" Yehuang was a little worried. The emperor ordered that it was a great grace.Although the General's Mansion paid a lot for Dazhao, it also received a lot of rewards.

"There is nothing wrong with it." Shangguan Yuntian waved his hand, now the emperor wholeheartedly obeys him, as long as his request is not excessive, the emperor will not object.What's more, the next imperial decree to bestow marriage is nothing more than a problem.

"Listen to you." Yehuang laughed, since Shangguan Yuntian said yes, then it must be done.

However, Yehuang still hoped that her elder brother could find someone who suits her heart.

Ye Su didn't know about Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian's plans, and he was still training with his men in the barracks at this time.

Even if there is no war now, the training cannot be lost.He wants these soldiers under his command to be able to fight no matter when they are pulled out.

During the break, Ye Su and his subordinates sat together, chatting about some gossip they heard recently.Chatting, chatting, someone turned the topic to Ye Su and said: "General, we heard that you are discussing marriage recently, do you know if you have made an appointment?"

Speaking of this topic, Ye Su was still a little embarrassed, and glared at the person who spoke, "Where did you hear this gossip?"

"General, don't lie to us, it has spread throughout the capital. I heard that many families are willing to marry the general?"

"Really?" The person next to him looked at Ye Su enviously, and said, "General, tell me, how many people care about you?"

"How do I know?" Ye Su gave everyone a blank look, and said coldly, "If you have time to gossip here, why not practice more."

After speaking, Ye Su ran away directly, and no one saw that his ears were already red.

Even if he has accepted the fact that he is going to get married, he will still feel embarrassed.What's more, as soon as those people talked about it, there was no end to it, and there was no sense of proportion. He was afraid that he would not be able to bear it, so he could only run away first.

Seeing Ye Su leave, the soldiers curled their lips a little bored, then changed the subject and chatted again.

Ye Su walked aside, found a place and sat down.The troubles that had been suppressed due to training surged up again at this moment.

He took a rough look at the information provided by Yehuang yesterday. The girls are all good, and they are considered suitable for the general's mansion. It's just that Yehuang asked him to choose the one he likes, which is a bit embarrassing.

Having grown up so big, he really doesn't know what kind of girl he likes.

In fact, he really wanted Yehuang to let her decide, but sometimes he envied the relationship between Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

He also hoped that his wife would be in harmony with him, that they would love each other, and that they would never doubt each other.

"What are you thinking about?" A voice rang in Ye Su's ear, which brought him back to his senses and glanced at him.

He knew this man, he seemed to be called Bai Luoheng, he was the eldest son of General Bai.Usually, the two don't have much contact with each other, because the other party rarely comes to the barracks.

"It's nothing." Ye Su shook his head, feeling a little disapproving of the familiar Bai Luoheng.

Although he was able to get along well with his brothers, he was still relatively distant and indifferent to people like Bai Luoheng who didn't have much contact with each other.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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