The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1412 Set a Marriage

Chapter 1412 Set the Marriage ([-])

Bai Luoheng saw Ye Su's alienation and indifference towards him, so he didn't care, but asked, "Young General Ye, do you mind if I sit here?"

"Anything you want." Ye Su nodded, he already guessed that Bai Luoheng should have something to say to himself.

Bai Luoheng sat down next to Ye Su, then looked at him sideways and said, "General Ye is on vacation tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah!" Ye Su nodded, he could take a day off every five days.Of course, you can also ask for leave if you have something to do.

"I don't know what arrangements Young General Ye has?" Bai Luoheng asked with a smile, although his sister said in the morning that it was not because of Ye Su's refusal to marry.But as an elder brother, he still felt that Ye Su was a good home.

And right now, there are too many people in the whole capital staring at this marriage, he wants to do something for his sister.Therefore, he made a special trip to the barracks.

Fortunately, he used to work in this barracks, even though he was transferred, he would come here occasionally, so he knew most of the people in the barracks, and everyone treated him politely.Being able to move freely in the barracks was the only way to find Ye Su so quickly.

"Master Bai, just speak up if you have anything to say." Ye Su looked at Bai Luoheng indifferently, and said that he would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. If a person who didn't have much to do with each other suddenly came to the door, he definitely couldn't be Chatting is so easy.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight." Bai Luoheng sighed, and knew that it was not good for him to do so, but for his sister's happiness, he could only do his best.

"Tomorrow, if Young Master Ye is on vacation, can I go to Huangjue Temple with me?"

"Reason?" Ye Su narrowed his eyes slightly, what is the purpose of Bai Luoheng inviting him to visit Huangjue Temple?
Seeing Ye Su like this, Bai Luoheng felt helpless again.It seems that if he doesn't say one, two, three, four, Ye Su probably won't agree.

"Yesterday, my younger sister also attended His Royal Highness's birthday banquet."

After thinking about it, Bai Luoheng finally explained the reason. Although it was a bit embarrassing, he didn't want to see Ye Su marry someone else's girl.

It's not that Bai Luoheng is bragging, there really aren't any girls in the capital who are as good-tempered as her sister.Of course, the only regret is that it may be lacking in literary talent.

However, in his view, these things are all imaginary.Which girl still recites poems and paints every day after she gets married?
Although Ye Su sometimes seemed a little dazed, he was not a fool. He immediately understood what Bai Luoheng meant when he heard Bai Luoheng's words, so he suddenly realized, "Miss Bai is your sister?"

"Exactly, my younger sister Bai Luoyu, what is the impression of General Ye on her?"

Ye Su shook his head, he just glanced at Bai Luoyu from a distance, he didn't even see what she looked like, what impression could he have?
However, when he shook his head, Bai Luoheng's expression changed. He thought that Ye Su had a bad impression of his sister, and asked, "Is there a bad impression?"

Seeing Bai Luoheng's nervous look, Ye Su knew that he had misunderstood, so she said, "No, but I don't know who your sister is at all, and I have never been in contact with her. I don't even know what she looks like." I don't know, where did the impression come from?"

"So that's how it is." Bai Luoheng breathed a sigh of relief, and was thinking that if Ye Su really didn't like his sister, then it would be considered that his family misjudged him.

"Since this is the case, why not join us tomorrow, Young Master Ye, and I will bring my sister with me. Then you can get in touch first. I wonder what the general wants?" Bai Luoheng suggested.

(End of this chapter)

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