The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1415 Set a Marriage

Chapter 1415 Set the Marriage ([-])

Of course, he didn't say that he brought it up first, but that Ye Su couldn't see what Bai Luoyu looked like that day, so he wanted to see her.

After hearing this, Mrs. Bai really stopped talking.After pondering for a while, he said, "In that case, you should take your sister to meet her. Remember, don't let anyone gossip, or I'll take the skin off of you two brothers."

"Mother, don't worry, we will definitely protect my sister and not let rumors fall on her." Bai Luoheng promised.

"Okay, if you let me hear something bad about your sister, you have to be careful."

After Madam Bai finished speaking, she didn't spare Bai Luoheng, and waved her hand, telling him to do what he should do, so he went.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Bai Luoheng and Bai Luofei took Bai Luoyu out of the mansion.Bai Luoheng and Bai Luofei rode horses, while Bai Luoyu sat in the carriage, left the city gate, and headed towards Huangjue Temple outside the city.

In Ye Mansion, Ye Su told Ye Feng that he was about to go out, and then rode out on horseback.

Huangjue Temple is not too far away, about ten miles away from the capital city, it is a royal temple.

Since it is not a festival and there is no puja, not many people go to Huangjue Temple to offer incense.So much so that along the way, Bai Luoheng and his party didn't meet anyone.

Huangjue Temple was built halfway up the mountain, and the three brothers and sister Bai Luoheng abandoned the carriage and horse at the foot of the mountain, and prepared to walk up the stairs step by step.

However, before they started up the mountain, they heard the sound of horseshoes behind them.Hearing the sound, Bai Luoheng's face was filled with joy, and he turned to look at the way he came from. Ye Su's handsome figure fell into his eyes.

At the same time, Bai Luofei also saw Ye Su's figure, recognized him, and couldn't help saying, "Brother, why is he here?"

On the other hand, Bai Luoyu looked at Bai Luoheng and said nothing, but her eyes flashed with a light of insight.

Bai Luoheng felt a little guilty, he laughed and said, "It's just a coincidence."

Bai Luofei is a rough person, he believed it once he heard it.Bai Luoyu didn't believe it, but didn't say anything.

Regardless of whether it was a coincidence or not, she knew that her brother would not harm her.

Ye Su stopped the horse, got off the horse, and walked towards the three brothers and sister Bai Luoheng.

"Master Bai, Miss Bai." Ye Su hugged the three of them.

"Young General Ye, what a coincidence." Bai Luoheng asked with a smile, pretending to be a coincidence.

"Yeah, what a coincidence, how many of you also went to Huangjue Temple to offer incense?" Ye Su also laughed.


"It's better to be together."


Thus, Ye Su and the three brothers and sisters of the Bai family walked towards Huangjue Temple halfway up the mountain.

While climbing the stairs, Ye Su secretly observed Bai Luoyu.His appearance is still pretty, and seeing that he is not like other girls, blushing and shy, and his appearance is natural and generous, it makes him feel good.

In addition, she was a girl who climbed the stairs behind the three men and did not lag behind at all, which surprised him even more.

In his eyes, the girls in the capital are all delicate and weak.I was out of breath after walking a few steps, let alone climbing stairs.

It seems that, among other things, this white girl should be in good shape.

Bai Luoyu didn't say that he would stop to rest, and the three big men certainly wouldn't stop to rest either.Therefore, the four of them climbed up to Huangjue Temple in one go.

When they arrived at the temple, the four of them went to burn incense first, and then started to wander around the temple.

I went shopping until noon, then ate a vegetarian meal at Huangjue Temple, and didn't return to the city until the afternoon.

The first thing after returning to the city, Ye Su went to the Prince's Mansion and told Ye Huang that he had already chosen a man.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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