The medical concubine is mad

1416 Chapter 1 Ye Su Marriage

Chapter 1416

After hearing Ye Su's words, Ye Huang didn't react for a long time.She was thinking about going to the General's Mansion tomorrow to inquire about the situation, but she didn't want Ye Su to make a decision so soon.

"It's settled? Who?" Ye Huang looked at Ye Su in surprise.I didn't expect him to be so fast, and he made a decision.She thought that Yi Yesu's temperament would take a week to make up her mind.

Unexpectedly, just three days later, he made a decision, which surprised her.

"Bai Luoyu." Ye Su spat out three words, looking at Ye Huang nervously, not knowing who the most suitable candidate in her mind was.

"It's her." Yehuang laughed, but she didn't expect that Ye Su would choose the girl she liked.It seems that her brother's tastes or ideas are the same as hers, so he really deserves to be a brother and sister.

"En!" Ye Su nodded, seeing the smile on her younger sister's face, her hanging heart was relieved.It seems that Yehuang also likes Bai Luoyu.That's good, it seems that he didn't choose the wrong person.

"Okay, I will invite Mrs. Bai to the mansion to have a talk tomorrow. If the other party has no objections, then I will propose marriage for you."

"I'm sorry, my sister."

"Brother, we are brother and sister, why are you so polite?" Ye Huang looked at Ye Su speechlessly, she is his younger sister, shouldn't it be right to help him with some things?
Ye Su also laughed.

"Huang'er, I'll go back first, otherwise Grandpa should be worried." Seeing that it was getting late, Ye Su stood up and said.

Now that the candidate has been decided, it's time to talk to Grandpa.

"That's all right, brother, you can go back first. If there is any news from my side, I will notify you in time." Ye Huang also stood up afterward, and ordered Ye Su to be sent out of the mansion.

After returning to the General's Mansion, Ye Su went back to the house and changed his clothes, and then went to Grandpa Ye Feng's yard.

Ye Feng was cleaning his spear in the yard. Although it had not been used for a long time, he still took it out to wipe it from time to time.Seeing Ye Su come in, Ye Feng kept moving his hands, and asked directly: "You're back, where did you go to play today?"

"Well, I went to Huangjue Temple today."

"What are you doing there?" Ye Feng frowned. How did you go to the temple in Huangjue Temple?

"It's nothing, I went shopping with some friends." Ye Su sat down beside him while talking, and then glanced at Ye Feng, not knowing how to speak for a while.

"Just say what you want, hesitating, what are you talking about?" Ye Feng glared at his grandson, displeased with his appearance.

As a soldier, as a man, you have to speak and do things crisply, hesitating, procrastinating, what kind of words.

"Grandpa is like this. Didn't you ask Huang'er to help me see which girl is suitable last time? Huang'er and I have already chosen someone."

"Choose it? Okay. Whose girl is it?" Ye Feng became happy when he heard that, and he didn't even wipe his spear. He sat down and looked at Ye Su with a curious expression on his face.

"Bai Xunjian's daughter, Bai Luoyu." Ye Su said with a smile.

"Bai patrol inspector? Bai Feihu?"

Ye Feng is familiar with the military generals in the court, although he doesn't have much contact with them, he knows the general names.

"Exactly!" Ye Su nodded.

"How is that girl's temperament?" Ye Feng asked with concern, he didn't want Ye Su to marry a cowardly and delicate girl back, their general's mansion didn't need such a mistress.

Ye Su laughed, and said: "I heard that she was raised as a boy since she was a child. She has a cheerful personality since she was a child, and she is not weak like ordinary girls. Grandpa should like it."

 Thank you for the reward of the moonlight in the lotus pond, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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