The medical concubine is mad

1417 Chapter 2 Ye Su Marriage

Chapter 1417

"Zongxiaowu, this is good, it can protect myself." Ye Feng was three points satisfied when he heard that Bai Luoyu was from Xiaoxiaowu.

A girl who can learn martial arts must also be able to endure hardships.

"Grandpa said so." Hearing what Ye Feng said, Ye Su knew that he had passed this test, and a smile could not help but tinge on his face.

It seems that both Yehuang and Grandpa are satisfied with the person he chose, so he can rest assured.

"Did you ask Huang'er to propose marriage?" Ye Feng seemed more anxious than Ye Su, and just decided on the candidate, he was thinking of proposing marriage.

"Grandpa, it's still early." Ye Su was a little speechless, in order to avoid Ye Feng's further questioning, she found an excuse and ran away.

Seeing Ye Su run away, Ye Feng scolded with a smile: "This kid is about to get married, and he's still shy."

A good night's sleep.

Because she was worried about Ye Su's marriage, it was rare for Ye Huang not to sleep in, and she woke up not long after Shangguan Yuntian went to court.

"Crown princess, why did you get up so early today, don't you want to sleep a little longer?" Hearing the movement, Dong walked into the room, looked at Yehuang who was getting up, and asked with a smile.

"Don't sleep anymore, I have something to do today." Yehuang smiled, and then motioned Dong to bring the clothes on the screen for her to put on.

After getting dressed, Yehuang washed up and left the room.

Nangong Yu was still making breakfast, and when she heard that Ye Huang had woken up, she couldn't help feeling a little anxious.Fortunately, she has already made the bird's nest.So, she first asked someone to give Yehuang a bowl of bird's nest, and then speeded up her hand.

After a while, a cage of transparent dumplings was ready.Nangong Yu quickly put it to steam, and then went to serve side dishes.

When Yehuang finished eating the bird's nest, the dumplings were just cooked.So someone brought it to the flower hall to serve Ye Huang as breakfast.

After breakfast, Ye Huang rested for a while before starting to write the post.

Originally, she wanted to ask Mrs. Bai over the house to have a talk, but then she thought that it might make too much noise, so she might as well make an appointment at a teahouse outside.

Fortunately, Guimen has several teahouses in the capital, and the privacy is good.

Therefore, Yehuang put the place in a tea house near the headquarters of the ghost gate.

After writing the post, Yehuang asked Xia to send the post out.Then she took Dong for a walk in the garden, watching Fengying while thinking about when Madam Bai would be able to reply to the post.

Besides, when Xia arrived at Bai's house, he originally wanted to hand over the post to the concierge.But thinking of the master's concern for this matter, he directly asked Mrs. Bai to see him.

Mrs. Bai had just finished her breakfast, when she heard the porter say that someone from the Prince's Mansion was begging to see her, her expression changed, and she immediately ordered the nuns beside her to welcome Xia in.

"I've seen Mrs. Bai." Xia was taken to the side hall, and saluted after seeing Mrs. Bai.

"Miss Xia, I would trouble you to run for a while. Does the Crown Princess have something to say?" Mrs. Bai looked at Xia and asked politely.

When she went to the Prince's Mansion that day, she met Xia and knew that she was one of the two maids beside Yehuang.

"Madam Bai, this is my mother's post." Xia took out the post written by Ye Huang and handed it to the other party.

Mrs. Bai Xia was a little surprised by the post in her hand. After reaching out to take it, she looked at it seriously.

When she saw Yehuang asking her to meet, she was beyond description.Fortunately, Mrs. Bai has seen the world, so she calmed down quickly, and then said to Xia: "Miss Xia, please wait a moment, I will reply to the post to the princess."

With that said, she turned around and entered the side door next to her.

After Xia waited for a while, Mrs. Bai came out with a post.She handed the post to Xia, and said: "Miss, please tell the princess, the wife will definitely come to the appointment on time."

(End of this chapter)

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