The medical concubine is mad

1418 Chapter 3 Ye Su Marriage

Chapter 1418

"Okay, I'll go back and report to the princess." Xia nodded with a smile, took the post and left.

After Xia left, Bai Feihu got the news and didn't even go to the Yamen. He went directly to his wife and asked, "Madam, what are the people from the Prince's Mansion here for?"

"The princess asked me to meet."

"What? The Crown Princess asked you to meet?" Bai Feihu looked surprised, looked at Mrs. Bai for a while, and said, "Madam, what do you think the Crown Princess has in mind?"

"Don't guess now, it's useless to guess. It's better to go see the princess first, and wait until I come back." Mrs. Bai frowned and said.Although she thought it might have something to do with Bai Luoyu's marriage, she was still not sure.

"That's fine, get ready quickly, don't be late." Bai Feihu thought about it, so he told Mrs. Bai a few words, and went out to the yamen.

Bai Luoheng also heard about this, his eyes flashed.He felt that his sister's marriage was going to be interesting, and his mood couldn't help but soar.

Mrs. Bai changed her clothes, and went out to the teahouse agreed by Ye Huang with her close-fitting mother and maid.

Xia returned to the Prince's Mansion, found Ye Huang in the garden, and handed Mrs. Bai's reply to her.After Yehuang saw it, she curled her lips into a smile and told Dongdao: "Go ask the steward to prepare a carriage, I'm going out of the house."

Dong went to find the housekeeper, Yehuang took Xia back to the room and changed into a set of clothes, and then left the house.

When she arrived at the teahouse, Mrs. Bai had already arrived.

"Madam Bai, I've been waiting for a long time." Yehuang pushed open the door of the private room and walked in.

"My wife has seen the princess and concubine." Madam Bai saw Yehuang, and immediately got up and gave her a big gift.It's just that before she knelt down, Yehuang motioned for Dong to help her up.

"Madam Bai, we meet in private, don't be rude, just sit down." Ye Huang sat down on the chair next to her while talking.

"Thank you, ma'am." Madam Bai thanked Yehuang, and then she sat down.

To be honest, facing Ye Huang, Madam Bai was still a little nervous.Even though Yehuang was young and looked very easy-going, she had an aura about her, an aura that made people want to surrender uncontrollably.

Yehuang also saw Mrs. Bai's nervousness, tried her best to restrain her aura, and then said to her: "Mrs. Bai must be very curious, why did I ask you out?"

"Also please let your mother know."

Yehuang smiled, and said straight to the point: "This concubine has fallen in love with Bai Luoyu, and wants to marry her on behalf of my brother. I don't know what Madam Bai wants?"

Madam Bai didn't expect Yehuang to be so direct, and she didn't know how to respond.

Yehuang watched, but did not urge Mrs. Bai.She knew that the other party would definitely not agree to this kind of thing immediately.Even if the other party is very satisfied with the marriage, they will wait a day or two before replying.

This is the rule, and it belongs to the reserve of the woman.

"Your Majesty, can you allow me to have a discussion with your family before returning to Your Majesty?" After a while, Madam Bai replied.

"Yes, but Madam Bai please agree to this concubine as soon as possible. After all, my brother is not young anymore." Ye Huang nodded with a smile and said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, my wife will discuss it with her family as soon as possible." Mrs. Bai also gave Ye Huang a reassurance.In fact, she could agree to Yehuang now, but she was afraid that Yehuang would underestimate her daughter.

After all, no girl is in a hurry to get married.No matter how good the other party is, the woman will be reserved.

"Then my concubine will be waiting for your news."

(End of this chapter)

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